

自從騁用我的三位高級職員離去後,我也興致索然。幸好,隨來的王君和我合作得倒也融洽,也就暫緩離開。王君很早前已經告知管理層他會於11月中旬請假二星期,用作他的婚假。他的未婚妻是香港人,婚禮和婚宴會在香港和馬來西亞先後進行。私下間,我和王君說我可能很早便結束工作。不過,我希望能在他婚假完後回來才離開,當作是對他的支持和肯定我們間的友誼。可惜,事情往往出人意外。基於管理層的決定,令我不得不改變初衷。4/11我坦然和王君說我決定離開,在取得他的諒解後,我於7/11早上向公司辭職。根據我和公司的騁用協議,我於20/11便會正式離開。由於我仍有假期,所以2011年11月11日(11/11/11) 是我最後的工作天。就是這樣,這短暫的新工作終於完結了。

告別長期的心理壓力和這超長時間的工作,令我鬆了一口氣。當天下午我難得的在中環的小巷逛了一會。往心儀已久的捷榮咖啡購買了一些他們自家調制的咖啡豆;在書店裡買了本〔陳獨秀全傳〕;晚上赴朋友安排百載一遇的光棍節 (11/11/11 -- 年月日都同是一根棍) 大吃一番。我是個重視工作的人,本來,沒工作意味著沒有收入和為未來徬徨,但這回我完全沒有焦慮的感覺。可能我更認知我的價值,找工作未必是我最急切的。我沒有上求職網,也沒有找薦人館,連投寄電郵都沒有。我樂於無壓力和牽掛。這一切都要感謝孩子媽媽,因為她為我肩起孩子的重擔。我知道要找一份普通的工作不難,難的是找一份合意和薪酬高的工作。好友在韶關的小型直升機生意已上了軌道,正在找人分擔他的工作。到現在我還未有空到他那處學習駕旋翼機。我告知他我 8/12從新西蘭回來後再找他。

11月23日徬晚乘機往新西蘭,見過一雙兒子。小兒子長得較媽媽還高,大兒子還是像小學生一般。兩兄弟的學業都進步了,小兒子智慧和思想成熟度還是較兄長有一段距離。他不羈的性情仍沒有改善,口沒遮攔,胡言亂語的,行為仍是有點歪異,真較人不安。他兩週前才把兄長的眼鏡弄破,那時正值考試,大兒子等不及我為他在香港配,害得他媽媽花上NZ$400 (HK$2400) 配新的。如果不是用社區褔利咭買,可能要 NZ$700 (HK$4200)。我替他在香港配的也不過是HK$300,新西蘭生活費用實在是貴得令人咋舌。這也說明何以他們兩年間便用了近七十萬港元。這回已經是小兒子第四次弄破兄長的眼鏡,他就是如此,做錯事時他說會改,但不多時又故態復萌。大兒子談吐、智慧和學識都進步了,他媽媽就是把希望全寄在他身上。原本打算往Wellington 找舊朋友和探討一下工作事宜,待孩子2/12放假後回Auckland便可和他們到處遊玩。鋻於孩子媽媽不想我留下,同時孩子選擇留在家中玩我帶給他們的電子遊戲,所以和他們渡過週末後,便提前回香港。

家中有二瓶棕櫚樹糖漿,是弟弟代買用作辟谷時用。坐飛機回港時根本沒什麼吃,正好是做辟谷的好時機。整整9天,除了早上到公園散步、間中往元朗購物外,餘下時間都是留在家中辟谷和好好的調養身體,也整理一下家居。某旅行社的東北8天團行程從香港到哈爾濱、經長春、吉林、沈陽,大連,然後回港。本想參加他們的 17/12 團,今天他們說不成團,只有12/12的一團。我的辟谷明天才完,之後還要2~3天的恢復,我可能趕不上 12/12。去不成也不會可惜,這幾天我買了不少好餸菜,待辟谷完後大吃一頓。無牽無掛,不用工作的生活真好。


Fasting 2

My trip to NZ was a very short one. The original plan was with my children after their exams. However, there was something I did not plan but it happened. Instead of flying down to Wellington first and re-joining them in Auckland between 1/12 and 7/12. I cut short my trip and now am back to HK. As the change in flight, a re-booking fee of $1200 was charged on top of the $8400 fare (low season fare) - no wonder most airliners reported their historical highest profit last year since their operations even though in the economy adversity.

To compensate the incurred expenses, I've decided not to eat for the next 10 ~ 14 days. This exercise is called Lemon Detox Diet (Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup). Whoever is interested, search it yourself and you know how it helps save your body and your money.

[Day2] At the time writing this note, I was successfully not eating for the 1st and 2nd half days which were the difficult ones for most beginners because of the "mind" and the lack of confidence. Well, it's very easy to me co's I have done that before, however still got a long way to go. I am taking this opportunity to train myself to be a lazy bug, not to do anything at all including cooking and disk washing. I know there are some 'bad' people wanting to give me some test - the tempation to break the fast (that is the word breakfast originally from).

[Day5] It is the 5th noon now. Unlike the previous ones that were absolute no food/drink at all, this one is comparatively a lot easier. It is because the Palm Tree Syrup and lemon juice provide sufficient energy to keep me going. The only difference is it cleans up your body because you do not eat solid food. Anyway I do not feel hungry or powerless. Well, their is no free lunch - The effect of burning fat and cholesterol become less effective as my body uses the energy from the syrup instead of burning from my own body. That is the reason I want to extend this program to 10~14 days (a normal program is 7 days). When I finish up all the syrup in 7 days, the rest of the time will be no food/drink absolutely. That would be the hard part to achieve. See if I could overcome it. Meanwhile, a temptation from my devil friends asking me to join a gourmet group to have seafood outing in Cheung Chau tomorrow. I believe I can resist the good food but I may not be able to overcome the long walk for the whole day tomorrow. I think I'd better stay home.

[Day6] I stopped drinking the syrup yesterday afternoon. The reason is the syrup provided me sufficient energy to maintain my daily life. You know, we do not need food to survive. In fact, we need energy to survive. Food is only a mean. Fasting by means of syrup is actually cheating yourself or it is wasting my time. So I change my plan to go for real fasting right away. Now I dont have my Chi Kung Master and I dont know if I can do that. I have to be every careful about my blood pressure and my heart beats. If I sustain to Sunday, then I consider whether to go further.

[Day7] I am about to go to bed. Tomorrow I will resume solid food. The reason is my fasting this time is not successful. I did not take any syrup for 1.5 days but I had problems with my stomach. The uncomfortable feeling told I needed to stop. I resumed syrup before I went to bed last night. In my previous attempts, I could see my belly contract to a level like hungry children. This time, cannot see that effect although I lost about 4 kgs and reduced my waist by 1.5 inches, my abdomen by 1 inch. The program suggests using 1000ml in 7 days. I used less than 500ml for this exercise.

If I fast next time, I will do a real fasting by following the Chi Kung master in North Point. I believe it is more effective. So if any of you want to lose a few pounds, you can try the palm tree syrup + lemon juice. This is not a difficult one. I think everybody can do that and the energy from the drink would provide you sufficient energy to live. If any of you want a "hell style" fasting, go for the one with a chi kung master.

After these 7 days, I should have enough quota for big feasts at Christmas. Anyway, I bought 2kgs of Agentina's red prawns + 2 packs of Japanese Oysters + my favourite NZ Royal Gala apples from Park N Save yesterday. I may go buy some frozen Samon steaks later as well. Now while I am not busy, I should treat myself well. Before I can resume normal meal, it will take 2 days for recovery. I plan to take syrup in the morning, black bean milk in the afteroon, fish congee in the evening and the next day. I have not done "ginger spring onion fried oysters" for a while. Let's do that.


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....