今日一號強風(暹芭)高挂, 雨勢有點飄忽, 出門之前探窗外, 雨勢不大, 途人都沒有打傘, 所以便驅單車出行。 下得樓來, 暴雨狂風, 唯有把單車驅回家。 之後取雨傘下樓, 乘車。 我考慮過不乘車, 因為雨勢漸缓。 乘車坐了兩個站, 下車時雨已全止。 兜兜轉轉, 結果還是可以騎單車往。 人生就是如此, 你可以預算, 你也可以等待, 但你無法確知下一刻如何。 賭枱上更是風雲色變, 你很有勝算的外匯期貨可能也是如此。甚至你所倚重的種種,隨時可以令你反枱。
我每天早乘搭巴士上班, 我總是坐在後排的一個空位。 在座位附近, 總可以見到一位肥胖女士, 她不靠近窗邊, 總是坐在外沿。 每次見她都是精神奕奕的在打點。 還未到下一個站, 她已經入睡。 後上車的乘客想叫她欺身讓入坐窗邊座位, 她總是沒反應。 因她有點胖, 乘客不便勉強擠進去, 只有放棄。 就是如此, 她可以全程睡得舒舒服的。 看官閣下, 為了自己舒適, 不妨動一動腦。
Back Pain
I have been troubled by chronicle neck, back and leg pain for a couple of months. Originally I thought it could be caused by late sleeping or pressure and it would have gone when I returned to healthy life.
You can see from my treatment record, the pain did not go
even after treatments and it costs. Last Sunday, I said to the massage master
that I did not sleep well which affected my neck and back. He then said it could be caused by the mattress. You'd better change it because the cost of our
treatment could cost more than a good mattress.
Since the master said about that, I no long slept in my own
bedroom, I moved to a small bedroom which has a hard mattress (not too
comfortable). The sore pain of my neck and back, though not much improvement,
did not get worsen. This evening, after visiting a few mattress outlets, I
ordered a single size good brand mattress for the small room and see if it is
good for my back, before I buy a big one for my big bedroom.
Just before shower, I checked my bedroom mattress and
noticed the mattress label on the handles were upside down, which reminded me the
aircon installation servicemen had turned my mattress upside down when they
installed a split aircon last June. This means I had been sleeping on the wrong
side of the mattress for an entire year. No wonder my neck and back have been
so badly affected.
Once upon a time a goddess
I guess there is no need for me to tell who they are as they are still the popular street talks in Beverly Hills. However, you may want to know when were the years of those photos.
在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....
今天, 2009年05月09日, 原定乘搭深航早上8:40的班机往沈阳。抵机场时离航班起飞只有廿分。工作人员不让我进,所以我只得回家往。 我没有失落,此行也只是两天,今天往,明天返。原本是为往见一位网友,大不了是多逛一下故宫。可惜是再没有与那位网友联系,由此失去了去的动力。可能是...
曹白 (Cao Bai or Chinese Herrings) is a type of white silver scale herring; marine, found inshore, semi-enclosed sea areas and fresh water;...