
look alike actors

I always thought they were the same person even after watching their movies many times. Only until I read their names from the movie's cast then I surprisingly realised they were not the same person.

Left: Ma Dong seok of Eternals
Right: Benedict Wong of Dr. Strange



Actually I can fix it but it is not justified because the time and the cost to acquire the parts and to glue things into places. it simply not justified but it's pity because the whole things and the precise mechanism are sound except just one small piece falling off from the main then the whole device becomes unusable so it's just pity.

I can still remember in the old days I went to scrap yards to find parts for my car and home appliances. People do not do that in Hong Kong. You can see almost all junk stations in every residential corner are full of household deposals everyday. Kiwis find it hard to imagine because they keep old stuff in their attic or garage for decades. I guess kiwis may have changed also.



雖云「五嶽歸來不看山,黃山歸來不看嶽」, 說到底還是「廬山煙雨浙江潮」才是歸處。

tea set at mall

Seems people really don't care about whether fried chickens are "hot chi" or not, as long as the price is good.
It is a hot day today. Even the old ladies like gathering in a fast food cafe rather than staying home. People enjoy having tea, sharing gossips in an aircon mall/complex.

Since the outbreak of covid-19, a lot of things have become expensive. Happy to see some fast food chain restaurants maintain their food quality while keeping the old price.



Saturday Treat

No tasks, no appointments, a not easy to have free weekend. Treat myself well at home, and a good half cup of hand grind coffee after meal.


home planting

 I guess a lot of home plant hobbyists have experienced the sudden witherall of their plants.

I am no farmer nor gardener - I do not know how to make them revive. I simply want them grow.

Today is a sunny hot day. I put my small pots on the window.

1. the left one is a small tomato plant withered after generating the fruits. I put the fallen tomatoes into the soil and see how it would result.  Can see a few small sprouts coming up.  

2. the right one is the ginger sprouts from the grocery ginger. As they come out from the root, I put them into soil and see if lives can be continued.

3. the 2nd left is a chilly plant. The leaves have been falling. I don’t know, adding more water and putting it under sunspot is what I can do.  

4. The Rue herb is still alive after a few sick moments. I love it waves me with its fragrance.

Energy Conservation

Heard a lot about environmental protection/conservation especially under these hot days. I do not want to claim anything. I think in the way whether it is good (right) or not. I put up a curtain in the corridor keeping cold (summer) / warm (winter) air within. I certain can afford the power bill but just don't want to make unneccsary waste.



對於日本前首相安倍晉三在週五遇刺身亡, 感到震驚。 怎樣也想不到這種事情會發生在祥和的日本社會, 被刺對象竟然是日本國家重要人物, 為穩定日本社會和經濟作貢獻幾近十年,普遍受國內和國際社會尊重的日本前首相。 事件同時也彰顯表面祥和穩定的日本社會, 國內經濟其實也是相當嚴峻,不少低下階層受到打擊(電影「小偷家族」)。 從目前國際情況來看, 民主社會可能已經受到很大的衝擊, 暴力和非理性行動正在枱頭。 加上新冠肺炎、流行病、天災、人禍、政變、武力侵略、民粹主義抬頭、種種跡象顯示: 二次大戰後所建立的世界秩序正在改變。



在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....