


這個水晶盤買了30多年, 今天還是真正第一次用。 它終於有了它的女主人。 

另外還有其它兩套, 始終未用。 也把其中一件示人吧。





猶記得往昔「妻子衣百結, 慟哭松聲迴」。 

當今世代, 儘管夫、子衣百結, 老婆一定要光鮮!不然唔走佬都飛起你。



欣見國內醫生為本港社區服務,感激之餘,引起我一些聯想。 眾所周知,當律師的,未必一定是為秉持正義,重點應是那高薪厚職和社會地位。 基於同理,醫生會不會是因為有愛心,父母心,悲天憫人,不欲見病人受苦而為醫呢

多少人願意遠離自己的舒適圈,到一個陌生環境重新開始?能如是者,除了是冒險家外,大多數是因為有較大的回報吧。 現今社會,利字當頭,少一點報酬,都可能推你不動。 對嗎?香港的優才計劃吸引了不少外地人到香港,其中有高達八成以上是來自國內。以醫生收入為例,我作了一點搜索, 羅列於下


標題: 醫師收入調查 (新浪新聞 20238


1。(上海三甲醫院)一般而言,規培(實習)需要三年,規培完正式工作滿兩年後才能去考主治醫師,之後滿五年才能升副主任醫師(副高 )。 在規培階段,第一年因為還不具備執業證,每個月到手工資只有2000~3000多。 之後的第二年、第三年,月收入大概在5000~6000多元。 到了住院醫師階段,到手月薪在7000~10000多元。 但在升副高之前,收入主要還是靠科室「大鍋飯」

簡列上文如下 和下面香港作对比



主治醫師:考取到主治醫師 (7000–10000)



(以上月薪未有包括 社保公積金,津貼 ,年終花紅 及 科室「大鍋飯」

2。(中日友善醫院等單位)2019年發表了一篇關於《中國公立醫院醫生薪酬收入的現狀與趨勢分析》研究顯示,中國主要三級公立醫院醫生平均實際年收入從 2016年的 9.57萬 元增加到 2019年的 12.22萬元


標題: (香港)醫生薪酬表2023




醫生(MO):總薪級表第32點至44B ($70,465 – $121,790)

高級醫生(SMO):總薪級表第4549 ($117,580 – $135,470)

首席醫生(PMO):首長級薪級表第1 ($150,950 – $165,200)

顧問醫生 (Consultant):首長級薪級表第24 ($179,350 – $251,100)

上述顯示, 相當明顯, 結論不言而喻

再以公務員為例。 香港的公務員是除了星加坡之外是全球最高薪的。 大家如果有興趣的話, 可以在網上搜索比較一下。 我可以肯定, 中港差別是非常大。 那兩地的差距會否逐漸收窄呢

香港曾是亞洲的金融中心,經濟繁榮,商貿頻繁,能夠支持高的物價、樓價和薪酬。 現在的香港經已國家化,融入大灣區,基本上和國內城市分別不大。既然如此,香港和國內一線城市的薪酬還可以相差這麼大嗎?國內的官員會不會發出疑問?香港不是中國的一部分嗎?為何香港公務員的薪酬可以和我們有這麼大的差異?國家領導人會把全國的公務員薪酬提升,調整到香港公務員的水平還是會把香港公務員的水平調低以釋大眾的疑惑?大家各自衡量吧!或者你可以說,香港公務員的薪酬有「基本法」保證,只會比回歸前好, 絕對不會被調低。

君不見往日那套中英聯合聲明、一國兩制、港人治港 , 不是順應時勢進化為愛國者治港。 即使是那見證於國際的條約也可以變,那自家香港區的基本法,國家有絕對的演繹話事權











因減得加 - 工序

我家有豆漿機, 因為清洗零件比較麻煩, 所以換了一部簡單的。 家裏也有榨汁機, 也是因為清洗麻煩, 所以很少用, 後來索性買了一部小的, 方便清潔。 我做蛋糕和麵包的時候, 買了一些攪拌器, 都是因為清洗麻煩所以很少用。 我問過幾位做南瓜湯的朋友用不用攪拌器, 她們都說不用, 因為怕清潔攪拌器麻煩。 Automation 是好事, 但是如果增添的工序比省下來的還複雜, 那就沒有人有興趣繼續做下去。

我家的塵垢比較多, 所以朋友借我他的掃地機械人。 安裝、設定、連網這些「電」類不說, 單是用後的清潔已經有幾個工序。 倒不如掃把和垃圾鏟三兩下功夫直接了當, 即使加上地拖和消毒水也不算太麻煩。以前不用吸塵機也是因為收放、安裝、拆來拆去這原因。


多少風韻事 都在笑談中

日月如梭, 光陰流逝。 昔日的電視大台風光無限, 捧紅了不少女神。 不少至今仍昅人耳目。 大台捧紅的男神似乎少為人道。 竊以為大台歷代男神如下, 未知多少同輩肯首。






哦!不好意思, 原來發哥是在我的排名榜上, 倒數第一。


Hello River Chao Phraya

Hello Chao Phraya of Bangkok
It is almost a year from the last time I come to Bangkok. Now after covid-19, Bangkok is busy again for its all year summer, good food and lovely ladies. I used to stay in Sukhumvit, but the hotels there are getting dear so last time I stayed in On Nut. This time I am staying at Royal River on the other side of the river. Surprisingly it's very cheap though the hotel facilities are old (you can still see the old industrial valved flush toilets instead of siphonic flush), but you can have a river balcony room at a very affordable price. One would enjoy the comfortable environment and great scenes of the river. You may not want to go out.


Bangkok Sarsi

I don't know how many aged persons can remember the taste of sarsi - a kind of cola. If you're not sure, you can taste it out in Bangkok. Yeah, they still have that dated back to year 1888.




短談《論語》 short talks on "The Analects"  



The above is mostly translated into the following contemporary Chinese:


正直的朋友、誠實的朋友、見多識廣的朋友,是有益的 ;



May I ask "what is the difference between 正直 and 誠實?"

It seems to me  正直 and 誠實 come very close or sometimes interchangeable.

May be you can say 正直 = frank, 誠實 = honest ->  so they are different.


If you check back the original scripts, one is and one is .

To me, they means 2 different moral qualities.

= frank and honest

  = 寬容 = tolerant


In its context, is the opposite of 善柔. I believe the original meaning of  meant 寬容 (tolerant) rather than 誠實.

便 means the act of/behave, such as () (花言巧語)


So if you mean to learn from the web, look for reliable sources. Nowadays, most on the web copied from the same source. The 1st one makes mistake, everybody makes mistake!



It is a simple one, actually no need further explanation.

Some say, it has profound meaning:懂得了仁義的道理,就應該用自己的一生去實踐它,有時為了捍衛之,甚至不惜犧牲自己的生命。

Trust it or not, you yourselves to determine.


To me, these 2 phrases reflect each others. Let re-order the 2nd phrase a bit to 夕可死矣. You will find them a proper pair.


- word of time

–verb, word of action

- object about (here is about moral)


- word of time

- verb, word of action

- object about (here is about death)

- auxiliary


In simple English, it is:

“there is no regret in life once you understand the truth of morality”



太不像話, 今年一段慶祝國慶的 Whatsapp, Wechat 信息也收不到, 啲愛國人仕/同志死晒去邊度?

It's indecent. This year I did not receive one single Whatsapp, Wechat congrad message for the celebration of somebody's great National Day. Where have all those hard dead patriots/comrades gone?



最近在網上認識一位女士,她説她是從國內來的, 來了香港18年。 從事人壽保險工作,成績斐然。 我早前在網上提及舊電影「一水隔天涯」和澳門。 所以我和她說有空的話可以在網上看看這齣當年的電影。





她說她喜歡日本和日本人。 她去過日本三趟。

我說日本曾經侵略中國及其它亞洲國家, 他們摧毀成千上萬的家庭, 他們手段殘忍,他們犯了戰爭罪行,令很多人受痛苦。在我一生之中我從來未踏足過日本, 即使我有免費機票往哪兒。


我說:如果你比較日本和澳門哪一個犯了更嚴重的罪行(而要令人憎惡)?日本犯了嚴重的戰爭罪行, 殺了成千上萬的人, (毀了成千上萬的家庭)你不憎惡他們。反之你憎恨澳門,因為澳門目标一些貪婪和找快錢的人。是不是殺成千上萬的是小罪, 懲罰一些貪婪的就是大罪?(所謂的義不殺少而殺眾。)


我說:這不是政治問題, 是道義。

她說:我的能力只適合活在當下,我不喜歡牢記仇恨。 (不是你最先提起仇恨澳門嗎?)


Analysis: It is common for some professionals who want to establish a positive image in their clients’mind or say building trust. To stress that they do not like or even hate gambling implies that they are moral and can be trusted. As Japan is our distinguish neighbour, a place where most HKers like/proud to go. To please most people including your clients, certainly you would say you like Japan and Japanese.


Fish and Chips


也不知多少年沒有吃過 fish and chips. Many years not having fish and chips. Miss the days in the UK.




美女與俊男同飲, 女量淺, 不勝醉, 語紛亂。

男參扶, 意有所望。

女耳語曰:「汝呼吾為娘, 告汝密事」。

男困惑, 然終呼女為娘。




ordinary meal

An ordinary meal for an ordinary person. However it reminds me my mother's cooking. I started cooking when I was a teenager. Although I'm educated and have been cooking for many years, however I cannot cook as good as my mother. At least the following three dishes I have to submissive to my mother: scrambled eggs 炒滑蛋, deep fried fish 煎魚, Chinese broccoli with wine 酒香芥蘭.

You may think they are simple then you could be naive. Yes. they are simple for villagers but could be hard for urban professionals. If you are in doubt, then check with the favorite chefs and seek their opinions.




「一水隔天涯」是不少港人的集體回憶, 當年年輕的苗金鳳更是不少人心目中的女神。 這「一水」所指的就是和香港一衣帶水的澳門。


曾幾何時每逢週末, 不少港人蜂擁前往澳門, 澳門的飛翼船服務最為活躍, 有時一票難求, 回程船票票價通常炒上二三百元一張。


時移世易,皇恩浩蕩,自港珠澳大橋通車之後,穿梭巴士金巴服務變成正統,而且價格較當年專利的飛翼船服務更為便宜,那橫越70載的專利黃金航線時代結束。 以現今長者單程票來說,單程車票只需港幣33元, 來回也不過是66元。 比由深圳往東莞的火車票價還便宜很多。


The Coronation of King Charles III.

 The Coronation of King Charles III.

No doubt, 6th May 2023 is a big day for British Nation as it is the coronation of King Charles III.
I watched the entire process from the evening to late night. It was a precious religious moment. I am glad I could watch this precious Anglican Church and royal crowning ritual process of a great nation.

The Choir
You can see the choir consists of many faces, not just purely British. Chinese, Indian, glasses, tall, short, bald, bearded, pretty and the average are all among them. It shows the great tolerance of the nation.

The Royal Members
It was a rare occasion of royal member gathering. I am not an expert on etiquette or British history. I put down the names as long as I can recognise. Black gown was worn by the direct royal blood, whereas blue gown was by the spouses of the princes. However, Prince Michael seems to be the only exception. His gown was blue with garter star on the right, red on the left shoulder. For all other royal direct blood, they were all dressing the black gown with garter cross on the right, purple red on the left shoulder. Seems Prince Michael dress was similar to the spouse of the direct blood - It is my intuitive observation and I could be wrong.


馬克龍訪華 Macron's visit to China

我很佩服法國總統馬克龍的魄力, 他在任內從事不少的改革, 希望把法國從舊有的浪福利歲月回歸現實。 每次改革都受到保守民眾勢力的極大阻撓, 但他仍是一次一次不懈的冒著觸犯眾怒下台的大違,没停止改革。 作為國家最高領導人, 他不能不改革, 因為他面對的是即將瀕臨破產的退休金帳戶, 是連繫著國內千萬人的切身利益。 改革意味著犧牲既得利益者的利益,遇到龐大的反對聲勢是可想而知。

西方的退休金制度運行多年, 早在二三十年前已預見人口老化和年輕勞動人口不足的問題, 當時的策略都是見步行步, 或者留待下任解決。 但是現在問題已是燃眉, 真正嚴峻的時候, 因為距二次大戰結束後嬰兒潮出生的至今已全是退休人士, 加上醫療進步, 人均長壽。 面對龐大的退休人口和相對低的勞動人口, 每個國家都面對著無可逃避的現實,法國也不例外。 作為總統的馬克龍, 不得不作出實際行動, 挽救瀕臨破產的退休金帳戶。

為了轉移國民視線和爭取實質的收入, 馬克龍不得不投向實質強大的貿易夥伴中國, 這是馬克龍訪華的實質。 馬克龍希望此行出訪中國, 能給法國帶來商機和實資的經濟回報, 同時希望藉此挽回聲譽和争取國民對他的支持。 相信西方國家會陸續跟隨馬克龍的路線。


common british cars

I am a car layman. When people talk about cars, they talk about the big names such as Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Bentley etc..

In my youth, I was happy as long as I had something that could move me on the road. My time in the UK allowed me to eye-witness many common cars that had risen and set with the British Empire.

Don't know how many of the below you can still remember:

Vauxhall and its Bedford line (Bedford was once dominating the HK buses). If my friend Anthony Yung sees this blog, he will not forget he once owned a Vauxhall Viva.

Triumph - Triumph Toledo was many people's love in the 70s.

Leyland - British Leyland was dominating the Britis motor market in the 70s & 80s because it was merged by many brand names(Kowloon Motor Bus bought a lot of Leylands)

Morris - the symbol of British small cars. Morris Minors and Minis, especially Mini is still having lots of fans around the globe.

Austin  - 1100/1300, Mini Metro, Oxford (london black Taxi). I once owned an Austin 1100 in 1980.

MG - famous for its sport cars in James Bond movies

Wolseley 1100/1300 - exactly the same as Austin 1100/1300 but Wolseley has a vertical radiator grille in its front rather than horizontal in Austin.

Hillman - Hillman Hunter and Hillman Avenger were popular on our campus

Riley  - Riley was positioned between MG and Wolseley and most Riley models resembled Austin/Morris. Once ususally can't tell the differences until they see the marque.


One may ask what drives me write this blog? it was a Hong Kong Movie named 少女懷春 (1963) actors: 丁瑩 | 張儀 | 羅蘭 | 李克.  李克 was a handsome guy on the big screen for a short period. You may not recognise his name 李克, however, you may still remember the nicked name 「白頭陳」 陳曜旻 who had news headline affairs with 章小蕙 (鍾鎮濤 前妻) between 1996 and 1999.

you can see a lot of old british cars in that movie. These british old models gave way to the Japanese when it came to the 70s. You propbably cannot see any of them on the road nowsdays.



香港社會每日都有大小見聞, 就近日城中熱話提幾點:


圖一: 好相


從這件不幸事件可見, 两涉事前夫妻都是相貌堂堂。 我們的社會注重表面, 不重視人品和內涵。 我以前在工作單位上常常聽到用家私語「公司一早就要多聘這些靚仔(good looking boys)」和我哋做 requirements study 啦。


圖二: 當壞人掌控權

當已經沒有權力, 仍可以策劃如此兇殘的殺人勾當, 當權力賦予這種人手上, 這個社會將會如何, 可想而知。


圖三: 女人是弱者

社會上普遍存著一種假設, 認為女人是弱者, 女人應被予同情, 法律應該維護女性。我做了幾十年人, 我所見的女人並非如此。特別是心機,口舌毒辣的女人比任何男人更甚。



在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....