

李永樂老師 2021年中國十大網紅之一。 博學多才,以平鋪直述的方式教授物理、數學和通識。 不譁眾取寵, 沒有一點廢話,獲廣大網民支持。 更難得的是, 李老師有顆正義之心。




Chatbot or Writebot

I guess most of you have heard about an AI chatbot called ChatGPT from openAI. However openAI ChatGPT is not available in HK due to HK is being barred as China. No worries, there are many other alternatives as long as you type "ChatGPT alternatives" on Google.

I tried Chatsonic this evening for 2 essays: 1 - a sad poem for lossing a little daughter; 2 - an ice breaking letter from a father to their sons. Below are what it returned. You may find that writing would no longer be a subject of study in the future.

can you write a sad poem for the loss of my little daughter, ending with "life will never be the same again".
My little angel has gone away,
Grief and sorrow fill my days.
This pain that I cannot explain,
Will never go away but remain.

The memories of us together,
Will linger on like stormy weather.
Her laughter and her smile,
Will be with me for a while.

No matter how I try,
I cannot say goodbye.
The memories of our love,
Will be forever like a white dove.

Life will never be the same again,
My love for her will remain.
This pain I never imagined,
Will never be forgotten.

my sons do not speak to me for many years, nor do they call me on phone. It is all because their mother did not allow them to speak to me after our separation. please help me write a letter to them to break the ice.

Dear Sons,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health. I am writing to you to express my love and affection for you both, and to apologize for any mistakes I have made that have caused a rift between us over the years.

I understand that you may feel angry and hurt, and that your mother may have had a role in the way things have been between us. Whatever the cause, I am sorry. I am also sorry for not being able to spend time with you, and for not having been able to be the father I wanted to be.

I want you to know that I love you both dearly, and that I miss you dearly. I would be so grateful if you could find it in your hearts to give me the opportunity to rebuild our relationship, and to show you how much I care for you both. I promise that I will do my best to be the best father I can be, and to create a strong and loving bond between us.

I hope you are both doing well. Please let me know how you are both doing and how I can help.

With love,
Your Father


Happy Lunar New Year 2023

Wellcome to the year of bunny. Wish everybody healthy, speedy, safety, witty and wealthy.




, 被譽為邪惡之書。 據說是武(則天)周皇朝的酷吏來俊臣所著。 拿以下兩點給各位觀摩, 看看是不是似曾相識。

控權(卷四):對掌權者來說, 控權的最高境界就是愚民。 不能讓老百姓太聰明, 否則老百姓天天跟當官的鬥智鬥勇, 遲早會送掉掌權者的天下。 這一點古往今來, 中西社會都這樣。

制敵(卷五):沒有永遠的敵人, 也沒有永遠的朋友。 今天的朋友, 明天有機會成為敵人。 領導認為是敵人, 就算是朋友也要把他當成敵人。 領導要消滅的人, 就算是手足親人, 也要當成敵人來對待。 只有對親朋好友下得了手, 才能成為一個合格的官僚, 才能保全自己性命和錦繡前程。




很多人犯錯是出於義憤。 不要忘記憤怒可能引致觸法律 即使是正義, 也不能超越法律底線。 例如某女子被男友玩弄後拋棄, 你出於義憤, 揍她的男友一頓, 那你犯法。 你捉姦在床, 揍姦夫淫婦一頓, 那你犯法。 另外在對辯的時候, 由於有憤怒, 雖然出於正義, 你會衝動, 衝動的時候更容易被無理言詞觸怒, 肢體言詞挑釁令你失卻理智而犯錯, 成為犯罪者, 終致牢獄之災。 所以不要以為正義便能憤怒, 這是很危險的。




岳飛「滿江紅」「靖康之恥」的由來:公元1111年, 遼國叛馬植向宋徽宗建議「聯金滅遼」, 得到宋徽宗的肯首 以當時形勢, 北宋根本沒有能力攻擊遼國, 而且遼國滅亡之後, 金國的下一個目標就是北宋 所以這個金宋協議無疑是與虎謀皮 但是對於喜功的宋徽宗來說, 如果滅遼成功, 便能收復十世紀937年大宋立國前所失落於遼國的燕雲十六州 這是歷代老祖宗都沒有辦成的事, 要是他能辦成, 豈不就是「名垂千古」了嗎?為了名垂千古, 不自量力的他, 直接種下了歷史上的「靖康之難」, 北宋滅亡的源頭


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....