
From Taipei to Bangkok

I had my first McDonald's visit in Taipei this morning. Taipei has many food varieties and foodstalls are everywhere, that's why I didn't try MacDonalds before at all.
My yoga classmates have suggested me taking high protein milk. So happens, high protein milks are widely available in convenience stores such as 7-11 and family mart. They can be bundled with sandwiches at a very good price.
I didn't want burgers as breakfast, therefore grabbed a sandwich pack at 7-11 and ordered a cappuccino at MacDonalds. Mac food is cheaper in Taiwan. It costs 58NTD for a hot cup, however, it uses hard plastic cup, not as classy as in HK.

By the time finished up this blog, I'm already in BKK. High protein milks are dearer in bkk and personal view, their tastes not so good as the Taiwanese. 




在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....