
What you need to know about late check-in in China domestic airports

What you need to know about check-in in most China domestic airports when you are late.

If you are late for your flight, most airlines will help you do check-in as quickly as possible. However, this is not the case for China airlines, in particular the notorious China Southern Airlines (they can trick you because you are in the land that they play the “China Characteristic” services under their sovereignty).

Supposed you are late for just a couple of minutes, says, 40 minutes before your flight departure (45 minutes is their norm). You go to the check-in counter asking for check-in even though you don’t have baggage with you and you would not cause any delay to the flight.  The check-in staff will not issue any boarding pass to you. They will write down your details on a piece of paper and tell you take the paper to a particular counter for assistance. This is the trick -  they pose an expectation to the passenger that someone would help her/him get on board so the passenger would not stay in the check-in counter demanding boarding pass issued. When the passenger gets to that counter, she/he needs to queue up for services. This would use up quite a bit of their time. When it gets to their turn, she/he would not be served for the boarding, but would be offered their expensive “airport price” ticket for the next available flight.  In such a way, they eliminate your chance to get on board because they further delay your boarding time and also invalidate your original ticket. 

Good luck to those travel on China airlines.



假設您只遲到了幾分鐘,例如航班起飛前 40 分鐘(45 分鐘是他們的標準)。即使您沒有攜帶行李,理应不會延誤航班。 櫃檯職員不會給您發出登機證。他們會為您寫一張小紙,並告訴您將紙帶到特定櫃檯尋求協助。這就是技巧 - 他們製造錯覺令乘客以為職員安排其他人幫助她/他登機,這樣乘客就不會留在簽到櫃檯要求登機證。當乘客到達某特定櫃檯時,她/他需要排隊等候服務,這會佔用他們相當多的時間。當輪到他們時,櫃檯職員不是發出登機證,而是告訴他們可用「機場價格」購買下一班昂貴的即時機票。通過這種方式,他們延礙了您登機的機會,因為他們進一步延遲了您取得登機,使您原來的機票失效。如果你是極度趕的話,那他們便順利高價賣出一張剩餘機票 - 可能有助他們取得提成





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