

Event 1:
On 21/01/2017, the HK newspapers Apple Daily showed the 2 Wong Tai Sin’s fortune lucky sticks of the two ex-senior government officers participating in the HKSAR chief executive election. It seems to me the lucky sticks were pre-set by Apple Daily rather than from Tsang and Lam Cheng themselves. The lucky sticks were shown on TV as well. According to the fortune teller, he advocated Tsang to Lam Cheng based on the tips. However if you read the tips carefully and if you believe you have certain knowledge in Chinese, you may think differently.

Here is an example. What is the meaning of 浮災意外来? Most fortune tellers would interpret means anything that is related to floating such as airplane, boat etc. and advise you to avoid travelling on those vehicles. If you believe those types of street mates, you are deadly wrong and would cause you real bodily injury.

I would interpret MuLan lucky stick as it was finally done regardless of difficulties on the way. It was one of the rare cases in history a female could earn that honour recognised by the supreme boss. In fact, I doubt the real MuLan if she's really feminine as 1. she would have been found out a female as it was not about a day or two, it was many years in the army; 2. a person that fought many years in battle fields must be muscular, no way a feminine lady could. 

I would interpret Emperor Zhu lucky stick as bullshits. I put the 4 scripts in simple English below.
1. All mountains bow to the middle mountain (the shape is a mid point and a circle)
2. (sentence 1 is) similar to crown subordinates listed/queued orderly.
(bullshits: sentence 1 is circular, sentence 2 is list and row. How can the word "similar" be used!)
3. It repeats sentence 2 in particularly it pointed out it was listed in two columns (or listed by 2 sides), definitely not in a circle!
4. Staying there (having attained such an achievement) would be happy.

So exactly what do these scripts mean? How could it link to Emperor Zhu? 朝中嶽 - Zhu's capital was in NanJing, not the Middle Mountain in HeNan!  HKSAR has no emperor, only the North Chairman is the emperor. 

We are talking about a tough job that the previous 3 chiefs have been badly damaged during their tenure. That position is to serve and to sacrifice, not self-contented nor to be admired! 

Event 2:
On 29/01/2017, the Chinese traditional day of wishing good fortune from heaven that people go to Shatin Che Kung 車公Temple for fortune telling. It was the traditional day the rural community chairman who represented the Hong Kong people to draw a lucky stick. He got the #61, said to be a good one.

The scripts「傳來信息果無差,轉運時來自興家;篤志雲程須着力,何天今日賜榮華。」  On its back, it was (籤背後的偈語)「月會花名秋夏好」。

As far as I can see, the 3rd and the 4th sentences should be reversed, i.e. 何天今日賜榮華? 篤志雲程須着力。
Therefore the scripts and my interpretation:
傳來信息果無差 - known, pre-determined
轉運時來自興家 - turn to good fortune and prospecting t
he family
何天今日賜榮華 - why the heaven commends the honour today?
篤志雲程須着力 - determine to take the high post with undaunting efforts

月會 - mid Autumn festival; for scholars, it is the Autumn exam 秋試
花名 - 華名 name on golden list 中榜
月會花名秋 - - it is not “Autumn”, rather it is "the success in imperial exam."

There is no hint that Lam Cheng will be the winner though her name has the word 月。
It seems to me, either the winner is related to Summer or the situation will become good in Summer. We have the candidates: 曾俊華、林鄭月娥、胡國興、葉劉淑儀、 曾鈺成。

If the lucky stick really reveals heaven secrecy, 林鄭月娥、曾鈺成 were born in HK Summer (May to July), 葉劉淑儀 was in Autumn . The other two were born in Winter.

It is ironic so many in our advanced society believe in fortune tellers of the street.




在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....