
Restaurant business not as usual

In the mid-week, I stopped by a restaurant on my biking route for tea. It was around 2:45pm. The restaurant had few customers. In 15 minute time, I was the only customer there.

It is not a good sign at all. Lots of businesses are badly hurt. If the tough social-distancing and gathering-limit restrictions are not eased soon, a lot of them will be forced out of business.
Everybody is scared about covid-19. I am no exception. But I fight instead of flinching/quailing. I follow the authority's instructions on vaccination, social distancing and gathering, masking, in-out visit recording etc., and always be alerted on healthcare issues. Locking myself up at home all time is not a solution. Sunshine, fresh air, exercises are important to keep one's mind and energy, especially for elderly.
HK is not really that desperate comparing to our western counterparts. Don't be panic and keep everything as usual. Everybody needs to keep a clean mind, stay healthy to fight this long battle.
God bless.




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