






其實也不想涉入太多, 因為家家有本難念的經, 從這新聞, 可以反映出社會的多方面。 

第一, 法律不講正義、天理、人情,只根據典律,制度。 法官不會說教,只根據法律判定勝和負。 教化不是法律中人的責任。 你現在更難指望教育局,它不過是一個政治機關,旨在調教出新一代的順民。

第二,醫生的財富和向母親對薄公堂討回的那個單位相比, 是九牛一毛。 是不是真的有經濟需要 還是人格的問題?除了醫生主角之外, 醫生背後的女人會不會更為關鍵?她和你家人沒有親情, 她不會出面/手, 但她會為目的在背後教唆, 那管你醫生主角在各界面前孭黑鑊。 

第三社會道德標準, 以往讀書講明理和學習謀生技能。工作目的是賺錢, 有收入改善生活條件,有高尚情操的可以回饋社會。我小時候的電影(薛馬的戲曲,吳楚帆等的中聯影業公司)都是走這條路線, 講求道德正義, 貢獻社會,做個頂天立地的人。戰後流氓在娛樂圈當權, 所講求的是票房,如何取巧,如何譁眾取寵, 淡化流氓行徑, 加之黑社會勢力滲入, 他們向社會傳送的訊息亦改變了傳統的社會觀念。資本主義社會務實,政商界都是講求效率和成功,背後如何運作那是次要。香港戰後出生的人都是在這種社會風氣之下成長。從自然現象可見, 要升格就必須付出。如果要升格但不想付出, 只能夠走捷徑、走歪路(所謂食腦), 代價是會走火入魔, 後患無窮。

從政者當然知道, 教化要付出很多, 需時漫長, 而且低效率,所以走捷徑,用新的主義配合手段,有效率調教出新一代的國民。

西醫向母親追匯景花園聯名單位原文網址: 西醫向母親追匯景花園聯名單位 官裁勝訟 母親交還單位 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/sns/article/751407



I bought a lettuce and realised it's a cabbage while unwrapping it. I did not buy cabbage for 40 years. Cabbages were my daily veg when I was in the UK. I paid 50p (pennies) for one weighed over 2 lbs., which was good enough to last me a week.

I occasionally cook capsicum black bean mussels. I'd loved it since my teen co's I used to catch them from the shore of Sai Kung. I worked in Sydney in the late 80s and the Chinese restaurants there made very good mussel dishes. Shortly after I landed on the Wellington soils, I could get giant mussels (about 25cm /10 inch) along the shore of Petone. There were not many Chinese at that moment. Some young local Maoris gave me abalones as greetings; they kept sea urchins for themselves. They were very friendly.

There are a lot of memories. Old guys always look back. BTW, seems to me the UK cabbages have richer texture.


Sinners for Thousand years

Chris Pattern cries because his title's been overwhelmingly deprived by the woman.

What are her achievements?
Too many to mention …., just two bits concerning everybody in the wonderland.
1. My 講
2. Her government is so impotent that attracts international financial predators to attack the wonderland's financial market, making everybody lost. This has not ended, will see …


Priority Seat

橫睇掂睇, 即使冚埋塊面, 都唔應該有65歲啩。香港新一代!

香港式教育的產物 ,什麼教育部、民政署, 那些官員應該滿意吧。港式文明,中國人文化水平高,講就天下無敵,事實、實證、眼前。做少些MY講, 關心下真正香港。
喺香港, 有眼你睇,做阿頭嗰個可以為咗自己出賣其他人。其他人有眼睇, 有樣學樣, 為何不只顧自己?
什麼禮義廉恥?洒家要的是俺的舒服、榮華、富貴。管它四維不張, 國家滅不滅亡。
btw, 點解長者要坐?因為佢哋 大多數雙腿有問題。長者唔一定要坐, 如果佢對腳冇問題嘅話!



其實呢位老人家仲有冇公信力, 大家心裏有數。不過幾肯定嘅就係,既然叫得佢出來放風,直言管治能力,咁即係表示嗰個女人冇得留低。其實係大大刮咗嗰個女人一大巴。因為嗰個女人一向自矜自負,全世界除咗習主席之外最叻係佢。還記得她在立法會的名句嗎?全部都係廢話!時間見證,證明她是真正的廢柴。


由是觀之,香港將權歸李氏。有需要的話將由中央直接委任,不拘泥於什麼港人治港 (事實上已被愛國者取代)。 英殖百多年, 都是如此,只要委任得宜,向主子忠誠負責,替港人做事,為港人謀福祉,從來沒有人反對,馬照跑,舞照跳,歌舞昇平,看不到為何香港人不接受。

Syndicate Capital Operations

You may have heard all the bad news about the U-R war from last Friday throughout the weekend. Both the HK and US share markets stumbled. It is expected a lot of people are panicking and will act quickly tomorrow when the local market opens.

I am no prophet, but it seems to me it is the time for the war lords and plutocrats to make money again.
What do you expect from wars, the rival sides sing and dance with each other, no gun fires, no bomb attacks, no injuries and casualties? If there were no bad news about wars, then why did the leader(s) raise wars? If one makes a drama, one would expect it should sound like a drama. Otherwise no one would believe it and then it would not achieve the desired outcome.
Therefore don't let yourself fall into the smoke screen. Nowhere is more tricky than the financial market because it is all the smart money going and the syndicate capitals takes it all because they are the insiders and have the money to bluff your hand at gambling tables. Maintain a clear mind to protect your damned hard money.
I dine when everybody dares not go out because it's the safest time as I'll be the only customer on the dining table.


vantage digital multimeter

I have a vantage digital multimeter which I believe was bought in the late 80s. I had never used it as I was always busy in life for living. So it has been put aside for many years. Learning Electronic as a hobby was only a luxurious passtime to most young urban yappies. So happened I wanted to test the PCB components and the thermal sensor of my induction cooker. Therefore I grabed it out from dusty toolbox. As can be seen the batteries and their contacts were tarnished. I checked my home battery pack and the batteries there were also tarnished. After putting the good batteries in, the vantage Kaise SK-6511 is back to live. After all, it is a Japan make.

Post notes:
I have my IC dissembled. I tested it and the result confirmed my guess. The triode 8050 (SS 8050 331) is gone. I am not going to fix it as my soldering skills can never match those female factory workers in the 70s. Therefore I need good tools or I pass it to an electric technician.




港府和中國廣東當局都說餸菜豬肉供應如常,但係出面街市啲菜仲係廿幾蚊一斤,部分屋邨肉店仲唔標價,當海鮮賣。小販和商戶都說沒有提價, 實行同舟共濟。咁即係話有人講大話。你信邊個? 小販同市民個荷包可以反映真實。


香港幾十年前也有市場餸菜價格報導,年長的應該還記得。但是隨著所謂社會進步,香港人擺脫了這一套。當局不會干預餸菜價格。此外,更給予某些特權集團如取如攜,如什麼「四瘋行」等。政府集團經營屋邨街市, 昂貴的租金成本,小販當然是「價格彈性」。

東華三院在天水圍興建的天秀墟以極低,每月$1000租金出租小販攤檔, 鼓勵當地人自力更新。但是「當地人」的貨品價格和附近各大街市看齊,絕不會因租金便宜而給你便宜一分錢。 「當地人」不是吃素的,說什麼回饋社會,BS!香港人是博懵殺到盡的一群,那裏不會把握機會。二百多年前薛福成已經說過「唯恐不盡其類焉」。利益當前,最驚是殺你不够盡啊! 良心?


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....