

I bought a lettuce and realised it's a cabbage while unwrapping it. I did not buy cabbage for 40 years. Cabbages were my daily veg when I was in the UK. I paid 50p (pennies) for one weighed over 2 lbs., which was good enough to last me a week.

I occasionally cook capsicum black bean mussels. I'd loved it since my teen co's I used to catch them from the shore of Sai Kung. I worked in Sydney in the late 80s and the Chinese restaurants there made very good mussel dishes. Shortly after I landed on the Wellington soils, I could get giant mussels (about 25cm /10 inch) along the shore of Petone. There were not many Chinese at that moment. Some young local Maoris gave me abalones as greetings; they kept sea urchins for themselves. They were very friendly.

There are a lot of memories. Old guys always look back. BTW, seems to me the UK cabbages have richer texture.




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