
Whatever happens, there is always a say

What we can see from different media that different countries treat covid-19 control differently. Most countries are gradually lifting their tight control. Both Japan and Singapore are lifting their face mask and tourist quarantine requirements even their newly infected figures keep climbing. As early as 11th August, the US CDC announced their relaxation rules on covid-19. In some way, these advanced countries no longer treat covid-19 as severe disease due to "nearly their entire population has at least some immunity through vaccination, previous infection or, in some cases, both".

However, on the other side, HK remains cautious and focuses the increasing numbers of confirmed cases and dead cases. The situation is also intensified and magnified thru frequent public media broadcasting.

 I guess the covid-19 is a very clever bug who knows who to attack. This may confirm to conspiracy theory that it is a virus aiming at Chinese genes in genociding the Chinese race. Therefore we can rule out the charge covid-19 was a virus leaked from Wuhan.


明修棧道 暗渡陳倉

As time goes by, covid-19 does not seem to be a threat to many people everywhere in the globe. Of courese, there is/are exception(s) for certain reasons.

These pictures were taken from friends in Bangladesh yesterday. People are happy to go outting thru some dull travel trucks without face masks though covid-19 was once a dreadful disease there also.
HK is definitely more advance than Bangladesh in terms of economic, medical and hygienic. HK is very strict in covid-19 control. The authority publishes confirmed and dead cases daily figure to warn people so as to support their control policy. If one checks the dead cases, one may find out those casualties are actually very old or very sick people. One of my remote relatives died early this year due to covid-19. However underneath, it could be himself did not want to stay on due to long term sickness and hemiplegia. That could be the reason you can see even the authority pledges and asks aged people for vaccination, but still some very old and sick people did not follow. It could be they themselves do not want to stay on.
As I said before, the free and lustrous HK is gone forever. I can see many friends and public figures have left Hong Kong. Freedom to entry and exit can easily be controlled by watching what the authority has done.
Stay on to see.




我這個年紀的港人看過「紅樓夢」的人不知有多少。 但是看過紅樓夢相關的影視作品的港人應該很多。

「紅樓夢」在香港最風行的時代是70年代中後期。應該說是一九七七年, 那年佳藝電視拍100集的「紅樓夢」, 無線電視台早二年前也拍過7集的「紅樓夢」。 佳藝電視「紅樓夢」的女主角是毛舜筠, 無線電視「紅樓夢」的女主角是汪明荃,兩齣電視劇的男主角都是伍衛國 (發哥當年還是配角)。影響所及大陸後来也拍電視劇「紅樓夢」, 不過是稍後八十年代的事。 電影方面正版「紅樓夢」不算, 中環兩間大戲院, 皇后戲院和娛樂戲院都放映「類紅樓夢」。什麼是「類紅樓夢」? 娛樂放映的是「紅樓春夢」、皇后播放的是「紅樓春上春」。那年我在中環雲咸街7號上班,對當年哄動情境,歷久猶新。 

順帶一提,「紅樓春上春」男主角是哥哥張國榮。 喜愛哥哥的粉絲現在可以隨時在網上一覽當年哥哥初出道的三級姿采


Simple is beauty

Simple is beauty applies not only to design and engineering, it applies to cooking as well. You don't need lobsters, bird nests, shark fins, as long as they taste good, fill up your belly but not upsetting your stomarch. I love simplicity.

A common mistake

Sunday 14th of August 22, I had a date with a friend on the Hong Kong Island so I got on the west rail at my home station. The train was full of people so there's no empty seats available for an elderly like myself. Two young children were on the priority seats jumping and bouncing, their mother was standing on the side. I observed for 5 minutes. I then talked to the mother saying that my legs are poor and cannot stand too long. I pointed to the priority seat picture that the priority seats are not meant for children. She told her children to give me the seat. That's the first time I exercised a senior citizen's right.


From Busty to doomsy

1st picture: Friday late afternoon the sun is about to set.

2nd picture: Got the ferry from Hung Hom to Central, only 10 passengers were on board. It seems to me the boat used to be a commuter vessel between HK and China coastal ports, or between HK and Macau. Those were the days.

3rd picture: A construction project is taken place at the heart of Central. In the past, international capital/investment come for continuing income flow and profit. I don't see HK is still such a place.



No doubt, Master Wang Guo Wei 王國維‘s 人間詞話 is the most recognisable review / critic on traditional Chinese lyric poems. I have one of the publications for many years, but I had never gone through the entire book. I find most of these publications are difficult to read especially when they are composed with other so-called explanation / guide reading.

As Master Wang pointed out right in the beginning, the most important thing for lyric poems is about artistic conception 意境。Even Master Wang himself could not be able to use words to express the artistic conception. He could only cite the original scripts for the readers to visualise themselves. Having the guide reading seems to take the readers one step further away from the original appreciation.
About 10 years ago, I made my own PDF copy in a traditional top-down style. It contains only Master Wang original words. I spent a couple of hours to go through it the first time this evening.


A dream home for many

There is a nice little double storey house situated in the not so busy waterfront of Kowloon. Guess who knows what and whereabout it is.


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....