
Priority seat

Saw this episode on today's light rail. A man with 2 young daughters taking up the priority seats while a mother standing with her baby on her carrying belt. This is common in Hong Kong as priority is nothing for individuals who only think for themselves.

On light rail and MTR compartments, priority seat is meant for disability, pregnancy, mother with baby, elderly. Perhaps, some people think their bouncing kids are sort of disability.



香港藝術館遊 2024年7月24日

當日藝術館的特別主題展覽是「尋香記」, 展示中國古代的芳香文化。 藝術館是免費開放的, 「尋香記」是唯一的收費項目。












早前劉醫生回港, 閑暇之餘, 探求佳餚美食, 亦不吝與大家分享。 

小老頭雖不能多吃, 仍心為之動, 按圖索驥。 我點了兩餸一湯:菜乾豬肺鶏湯(例6人份量), 鹹魚肉餅, 西蘭花蝦球。

我的評論如下:師父厨藝不錯, 用料能改善的話就錦上添花。 鹹魚太鹹, 沒有魚香, 這是現在鹹魚的通病, 淡口而有魚香的鹹魚現在很難求;虾球能取上等虾的話就更好, 或者自攜鮮虾。

這裏不是說劉醫生介紹不好, 而是我們的口味有一定的落差。 以我估計, 劉醫生最少年輕我25年。 香港自70年代中期, 經濟起飛, 生活模式, 亦漸跟隨了西方。 以往傳統的精耕操作, 已被西方大規模生產所取代。 食材亦因此變了質。 香港五六十年代, 不少家庭的孩子都是吃豬油豉油炒飯長大的。 那時的豉油甘香馥郁, 是小孩的至愛, 即使單豉油撈白飯也是大滿足, 更何況是有真味道的肉食和蔬果。 我可以說70年代後期出生的孩子, 已經吃不到真正的食材味道。

再說鹹魚, 我最近一次吃到比較滿意的鹹魚是在2016年, 一斤曹白鹹魚在元朗流浮山要六百元, 在中上環更加不止。 此後即使再貴價一點的曹白, 也是大不如前。 所以聽到有好的鹹魚肉餅, 會趨之若鶩。

這就如在1995秋年, 我在四川高山藏族買到兩紮冬蟲夏草, 當年不識珍寶, 只是買了兩紮, 每紮不過十克。 其中一紮, 送了給一位醫護人士, 她服用之後, 翌日立刻向我多索。 此後十年, 無論在香港、國內、北京名店(同x堂) 用數十倍的價錢, 我都買不到同樣質量的蟲草。 從此放棄了再尋求真味的冬蟲夏草。 但此前, 真味的冬蟲夏草只是稍為昂貴一點, 並不是極之難求。


注:冬蟲夏草, 顧其名可知, 草在夏天完全成長, 也是在夏天收成。 當年竟然在秋季仍可以買到冬蟲夏草, 可能那些已經是質量欠佳賣不出的蟲草; 或者那是收成之後, 再尋獲的零碎事件。


black luck

I don't know who owns this building. To me, it doesn't have a beautiful skin. If you look from the East, you will see a "tall black" building standing on the waterfront, doesn't seem to be a lucky sign.


social achievement

Steamed fish tonight?

Yes. Thanks to the HK government's superb policies that have successfully pushed price down. A live fish like this costs only HK$25. What's more could you expect?

Well, a small wish - carry on pushing further so that instead of watching "farewell to my concubine" (famous movie played by Leslie Cheung), I could afford to "welcome to my concubine".

What is the relationship between fish and women? Please go check the story 馮驩客孟嘗.


Chinese short videos

I did not watch Chinese short videos in the past as I knew they were not serious production. However, I do after retirement. Now the last thing I do at night is to watch one before going to bed.

You may wonder why? I can tell you most of them (95%) are nonsense. They are sloppily made in bulk, illogical and no plot. They are put to Youtube and Facebook free for attracting network traffic. However, there are pretty girls and handsome guys. Sometimes, the plots are weird and you might be amused by their faces and nonsense dialogues. Watching them is a sort of mind relaxation for easy sleeping.
Try the video below. You may not enjoy the video. However, you may like the pretty girls and handsome boys.


男人接近女人的目的不過是圖兩樣東西 。   要麼圖年輕漂亮 。   要麼圖身子 如果一樣都不佔 人家也不缺一個累贅 同樣女人接近男人也不過是圖兩樣東西 。 一個是精神支柱 。 一個是金錢補助 如果一樣都給不了 那麼他也不缺一個祖宗 。   談情說愛放眼望去全都是合作愉快 愛情這東...