
Dean Gifford

I threw away 2 bags of children toys this evening. I keep the kiwi bird and the 2 doggies because they mean something to me.

The doggies were given to my children by Wellington Policy constable Mr. Dean Gifford when my family was in great distress in mid 1999. Dean was a nice young constable serving at Lower Hutt Policy Station at that time. The 2 doggies were not particularly cute. The children ‘s mother asked me to throw them away a few times but I did not. I told myself if one day I went to Wellington, I should thank Dean in person for helping my family. 
The kiwi bird was bought for the children at the airport on the day the family moved back from NZ to HK in Feb 2000. I keep it in the family for our identity.

The children were 3 and 2 when they came to HK. In two months’ time, they will be 20 and 19. There is nothing left in the family because the family has long gone. So was senior policy constable Dean Gifford.  Dean died from a brain tumor in Wellington on 23/08/2012. I was very sad to have known Dean passed away at his prime age.



For those that are as “young” as me may remember Gene Wilder ·懷德 and  Lando Buzzanca 蘭度·布山卡.They were both film comedians. Gene Wilder passed away this year, whereas Lando Buzzanca is still alive and healthy.

I believe Gene’s best movie was “Young Frankenstein 新科學怪人”. I have seen that movie a few times. I almost forgot Lando Buzzanca, however I would never forget his film “my darling slave 夜夜念奴嬌”.

 “My darling slave” was released in Hong Kong in 1973 when I was a secondary school (form 4) student. The impression was particularly deep because we just learned 大江去浪 at school then there was the movie 夜夜念奴嬌, though it had no relationship to 蘇東波 famous poem 念奴嬌. Although the actress was topless in the film, it was a very interesting film in those days. Good news is, this film will be available on YouTube in 4K on 6/01/2017.  Any old boy wishes to recall their old memory may just go see by then.














本文发布于20161025  我的个人facebook


我所說非清操冰雪的意思是: 你邀請他們去日本你估佢地去不去?當然是去!我絕對唔相信佢兩位從未去過日本。


十月二十五日,在電視新聞看到CY梁評論以司法覆核阻止他們當議員宣誓。As I said before they did not have 擔當。 If they did and considered the big picture they would have apologised and lessened the damage to themselves and their party The following is extracted from one of my blogs in 2011在民選的政治人物立場,他們對這些事態也非常克制,因為處理不好,非但得不到活動的目的,更甚者失去民眾的支持和日後的選票。個人榮辱事小,不利自已的政黨和失卻支持,便無從組織政府及施展政治抱負。所以不得不克制,越高層次的就更深諳此道。 


曹白 Chinese Herrings

曹白(Cao Bai or Chinese Herrings) is a type of white silver scale herring; marine, found inshore, semi-enclosed sea areas and fresh water; able to tolerate lowered salinities.

曹白鹹魚 (Cao Bai Salt Fish) - was originally produced in Hong Kong. As the local catches have become rare, now mostly imported from Bangladesh.

There are two popular species for Chinese salt fish production.

1. Ilisha elongata (or Ilisha),
available in East Asia coast from Soviet's Peter Great Bay to Bay of Bengal and Java Sea.

2. Dussumieria acuta,
available in Indo-Pacific from Persian Gulf, India and Malaysia to Indonesia and the Philippines.

The one pictured here is a fresh water Cao Bai from Yuen Long River of Hong Kong, priced at HK$600 per catty ~ 604 grams, those that are from Bangladesh usually priced at HK$480 per catty.

Gourmets prefer the Hong Kong local catches though it is dearer. The common way is to fry in low temperature until golden brown, and then add sugar and brown vinegar to suit individual taste. Gourmets always love Cao Bai. Once tasted, you would have no regrets in life.


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....