
曹白 Chinese Herrings

曹白(Cao Bai or Chinese Herrings) is a type of white silver scale herring; marine, found inshore, semi-enclosed sea areas and fresh water; able to tolerate lowered salinities.

曹白鹹魚 (Cao Bai Salt Fish) - was originally produced in Hong Kong. As the local catches have become rare, now mostly imported from Bangladesh.

There are two popular species for Chinese salt fish production.

1. Ilisha elongata (or Ilisha),
available in East Asia coast from Soviet's Peter Great Bay to Bay of Bengal and Java Sea.

2. Dussumieria acuta,
available in Indo-Pacific from Persian Gulf, India and Malaysia to Indonesia and the Philippines.

The one pictured here is a fresh water Cao Bai from Yuen Long River of Hong Kong, priced at HK$600 per catty ~ 604 grams, those that are from Bangladesh usually priced at HK$480 per catty.

Gourmets prefer the Hong Kong local catches though it is dearer. The common way is to fry in low temperature until golden brown, and then add sugar and brown vinegar to suit individual taste. Gourmets always love Cao Bai. Once tasted, you would have no regrets in life.




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