


If you ask me to rate “honesty” between George Washington and Donald Trump, I guess I will choose Trump. Most people have heard about the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. If you really think, you'll realise the story is a make-up, deliberately set to show honesty is valued in the US, while spreading the hidden agenda to every corner of the globe. Most people know what the real U.S. and her society like. 

Regarding Trump, as he always boasts, he represents the real Americans. You can see, in his presidency, he has showed to the world his selfishness, his rudeness, his nonsense, his splitting unity of the UN and nations, and his breaking up the world peace and arouse conflicts among nations (the latest, US admits Jerusalem is Israel’s capital). You can see, he is a real nasty bastard, but he is honest because he did not pretend to be a hypocrite like his predecessors did.











明明上蒼,照臨下土 這兩句無端的進入我腦海,並勾起另外的四句

 “昔我往矣,楊柳依依。 今我來思,雨雪霏霏。”





熊熊聖火 憐我苦多

  明明亮光 為我消禍

  憐我世上 如許苦多

  炎炎聖火 焚化苦楚

  憐我世上 如許苦多


回顧電視劇中的 “熊熊聖火”,是否像詩經的原始詩歌?




從別後,憶相逢。幾回魂夢與君同。今宵賸把銀釭照,猶恐相逢是夢中。 晏幾道《鷓鴣天》

我小時候,聽馬老師說過:我們説作詩,不說作詞,但説填詞。當時不明白,現在算有點理解。詞有詞牌 ,亦即曲譜,詞要入樂,有一定的格律。即是對著曲譜填上長短一定的曲詞,所以叫填詞。





詞不單是格律,填詞很講求用字技巧,如何把鴛枕上風波驟 合律為七字?所以借用了 淚彈不盡臨窗滴 字。

淚彈不盡臨窗滴。。。。此情深處,紅箋為無色。 晏幾道《思遠人》。

此情深處,紅箋為無色。 意境了然,不用多說了。





山果多瑣細,羅生雜橡栗。或紅如丹砂,或黑如點漆, 雨露之所濡, 甘苦齊結實。

好一對 雨露之所濡, 甘苦齊結實。 可見杜甫擅長雕琢,不愧是集詩學的大成。


初遇城站,獲睹芳姿,娟秀溫雅,令人堪慕;且似與余曾相識者! 初余之注意女士,而女士或未之覺也;車至筧橋,匆促而別,然未識誰家閨秀,如是風姿,意不復見,耿耿此心,望斷雙眸,而盈盈倚影,直據余之腦蒂,揮之不能去。……月餘以來,不復得見女士之影跡,佇探為勞,積勞積思,望穿雙眸。


初遇城站,獲睹芳姿,娟秀溫雅,令人堪慕;似曾相識! 余之慕卿,卿或未覺; 車至筧橋,匆促而別,未識誰家,如是風姿,意不復見,耿耿此心,悠悠暗付,盈盈倚影,直據五內,揮不能去。……月餘以來,未復得見,佇探為勞,積勞積思,望穿雙眸。




HK Chief Executive Election

As early as right after Hong Kong change in sovereignty, most predicted Shanghai would replace Hong Kong as the most beloved city of China. After all, Shanghai is the home grown city, whereas Hong Kong is an adopted son or the return of the drifted son, of which the people’s mind set, their values and the city culture are more cling to the West which is very different from, and not so accepted in, the Mainland.

Do you really believe the one-country two-systems intact for 50 years? I do not. But I do believe it is the authority’ wishes to keep Hong Kong status quo for 50 years. 50 years is short in human history, but it could be a lengthy period for a government to maintain its “status Quo”. Then tell me what you would do if you want to keep things as it is, better no backward or forward especially no significant or remarkable developments that make the island stand out at the world stage. If the Island is remarkable, it plays down the other sister cities. If HK falls behind or backward, it hurts the locals and authorities either. Then as a strategist or a person masterminds the political and social balance what would you do? Consider also from the authority’s point of view, it is not just to deal with the immense situation. It needs, for long term, to cater for the possible social and political upturns in China’s vast landscape in the future.

In the late-80s when the US wanted to break their labour unions in its own states, instead of having the trial in its own land, they chose New Zealand as their Guinea pig. They spent money to lobby the NZ statesmen, labour leaders, assisted them with US labour lawyers etc.. So the new labour law (employment contract Act) was enacted in 1991 and labour unions were broken down one after another, the US examined the outcome for their own sakes.

When Deng Xiao Ping started his economic reforms, he experimented his ideology in a few places before rolling it out in other parts of the mainland. So it came the 4 special economic zones Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, and Xiamen. The leaders then studied their outcomes with respect to their parameters of each zone such as environment, location, finance, education, infrastructure, plus the various actions and actors involved.

As a strategic modeller, you are asked to produce the expected outcome. Supposed the expected outcome is to keep the Status Quo including economic, financial, political, and educational, GDP, technological. This is not an easy task as it is an open world today with advanced communication media, internet, not to mention possible Western influences / interventions such as US, Japan and its likes. The utmost important and controllable parameter is the Government as its policies would affect both the public and private sectors. HK civil servants have the long traditions of being executioners rather than venturers. Keep their rice bowl full and their innovation will be silent. keep the riches and let them be the icons for those that are eager for hopes. Keep everybody busy in their long hours job to hocus their mind. Keep their elected counsellors oppose each other whatever matter in their everyday fights that no collaborative efforts and results could be achieved.

It is not expected any changes for the people from a new chief executive election. Whatever the outcome is, there will still be the same social rift, wealth polarisation, comfort for the middle class, skiing property price, dreams for quick fortune as these are parameters that keep Hong Kong’s status quo. Everything in the election and the social landscape has been well planned over a decade ago especially after the July-1 Grand March in 2003. The chief executive candidates are there to perform a show orchestrated by the authorities. What you learn from the daily news are just episodes to make you feel it is not a dull show.

There is no way you can plead you wishes to the authority. You can see whatever you believe “legitimate petitions” in the Mainland have all been cracked down by the Mainland authority. It is because only the authority’s initiatives are legitimate. It is suggested to keep a low profile, keep everything unprovoked, live as an ordinary person and do not expect ex-ordinaries. In Hong Kong, we have social security, public housing, medicare, full employment. Although not everybody is well cared for, most do. After all, life is not fair since the dawn breaks. What would you expect apart from an ordinary life! If you are not contented and you believe you should be treated better than others, then you can look for a better place for yourself. If you think you are living a sad life, then go watch the 2016 movie “Manchester by the sea”. You will learn what is the meaning of tremendous pressure in life and live by your dark shadow. Check YouTube for the word “hunger” and you will appreciate you have good food and clear water. Life in Hong Kong for most people is a blessing though it is controlled.



Today is 3.8.  I received a few messages from friends. Almost all messages were on the good side of women. No doubts about that woman are great. On the other hand, I firmly believe - nothing on earth is as wicked as women. 

I cite one of the message jokes I received today:

Please note the final sentence "折磨中国男人千年"! Who tortures men? Who starts wars? Who wants to dominate?  Who speaks small words? Who spreads hatred? Who breaks relationship within a family? The answers always point to one - women? 

The metaphors for men and women are cats and dogs respectively. Dogs are loyal, humble, friendly, simple and straight forward. Cats are complicated. Cats are snobbish, haughty, cruel, submitted under force, pleasing; however, kill when they are in upper hand.

As stated by 柏杨 (中国人史纲): 妻子未必有對外開疆的能力,但摧毀一個家庭以致一個國家的能力還是綽綽有餘。 There are plenty of historical facts on that, for example, the story of Troy, Wars between kingdoms. In China, we had “不聞夏殷衰,中自誅妹妲.” So you know the significance of women! It did not merely happen in the past, yet it happens all the time. When women become more knowledgeable and powerful, they will torture men to their death. That's why a wise man in the past said “唯女子與小人為難養也。” 難養 does not mean difficult to feed - it means "they are difficult creatures by nature!"  Difficult in the sense that their mouths are malicious: 近之則不遜,遠之則怨. I am not here to spread gender discrimination. I am here to tell an old man’s words - you need to understand women’s nature so that you know who you are dealing with! Wake yourself up from the dreams of love novels. Women themselves are well aware of their woman counterparts!

In the old days, women were victims of violence! I can tell you there are lots of men mentally tortured by women. It is common in western countries to have men’s victim clubs. Therefore do not look down women otherwise you could be drowned easily by your ‘man’ ego.














My Children's Drawings

I tidied up the book cabin and found 2 drawing books. I flipped thru them and without checking the name on the books; I knew which one belongs to my elder son and which belongs to my younger son. My elder son was a mature birth with all the needed nutrition from his mum. My younger son was not. His mum was weak when carrying him and he was not growing that the doctor decided to have him birth pre-mature. His mum had no milk to milk him. He was grown on bottles. He hardly cried or moved during the first eight months of infancy. It did not surprise me my younger son was not as talented as his brother.

The Pictures were drawn on 3004A Sketch books (size: 11.25" * 14.75"). They were drawn in 2005 when the children were 8 and 7. I put them in 2 sets below. I think you can also tell which belongs to whom.

My elder son has many talents, sports, musical instruments, drawing, dancing, of course academic as well. He resembles my appearance but he has his mum's soul. My younger son resembles his mum's brother but he has a warm heart.


趕客 Customer Selection

I eventually cancelled my BOCHK bank accounts. I had been the bank customer since 1983 or may be even early when it was not that popular. As it is now the most dominant bank in Hong Kong, the bank always has queues outside its doors.

I cancelled the accounts for several reasons, mainly high transaction costs and service charges but no added values.

When I did my home mortgage, I went for 2 banks, BOCHK and CCB Asia. I expected to use BOCHK as it had been my bank for many years; CCB was a backup just in case. However, as it turned out, BOC had not finished my application when the deadline was due, whereas CCB had. So I went for CCB. Bear in mind, do not think the bank helps you for mortgage finance; it is yourself as a customer to provide the bank business as you pay them interests.

In HK, the transaction cost for warrants trading is lower than stock trading because there is no stamp duty on warrants. Wing Lung bank charges as low as HK$4.88 per transaction regardless the transaction amount. Some banks charge a minimum but most banks charge based on the transaction amount. Standard chartered Bank does not charge a minimum, they charge a standard market percentage proportionate to the transaction amount. Also, SCB does not charge stamp duty on warrants. If you go to broker firms such as Bright Smart and IB, their charges are even lower. However, if you go for BOCHK, they charge a lot higher, in particular, warrants trading. I did lots of warrants trading between 2014 and 2015, but I seldom checked the fees as I supposed they were just a small fraction. However a particular transaction brought my attention because that transaction was supposed to be even but the amount settled was $1400+ less. I was charged an addition of HK$500 for warrant trade whose amount was around HK$80K for a couple of times. I later on checked with their staff and confirmed they charged min $100 for warrant trading and $500 was the ceiling. They said it was the bank's policy even though the stock exchange does not charge any additional on warrants. That had left me no choice but gone to other firms. Mind you, it is a big difference for $4.88 per transaction of Wing Lung and $500 + based fees ($200 or more) for BOC. I am talking about the same online self-service transactions.

Some years ago, the major banks required their customers to maintain a certain amount to avoid monthly account fees. That’s been removed for most of them as long as the accounts do not involve manual transactions such as deposit and withdrawal at counter. BOCHK will charge $60 per month for any account below HK$10K regardless how long you have been with the bank.

In nowadays electronic age, a lot of banking transactions can be done online. Unless a bank provides value added services that differentiate it from others, otherwise the differentiation is on price.

So bye-bye BOCHK.



Event 1:
On 21/01/2017, the HK newspapers Apple Daily showed the 2 Wong Tai Sin’s fortune lucky sticks of the two ex-senior government officers participating in the HKSAR chief executive election. It seems to me the lucky sticks were pre-set by Apple Daily rather than from Tsang and Lam Cheng themselves. The lucky sticks were shown on TV as well. According to the fortune teller, he advocated Tsang to Lam Cheng based on the tips. However if you read the tips carefully and if you believe you have certain knowledge in Chinese, you may think differently.

Here is an example. What is the meaning of 浮災意外来? Most fortune tellers would interpret means anything that is related to floating such as airplane, boat etc. and advise you to avoid travelling on those vehicles. If you believe those types of street mates, you are deadly wrong and would cause you real bodily injury.

I would interpret MuLan lucky stick as it was finally done regardless of difficulties on the way. It was one of the rare cases in history a female could earn that honour recognised by the supreme boss. In fact, I doubt the real MuLan if she's really feminine as 1. she would have been found out a female as it was not about a day or two, it was many years in the army; 2. a person that fought many years in battle fields must be muscular, no way a feminine lady could. 

I would interpret Emperor Zhu lucky stick as bullshits. I put the 4 scripts in simple English below.
1. All mountains bow to the middle mountain (the shape is a mid point and a circle)
2. (sentence 1 is) similar to crown subordinates listed/queued orderly.
(bullshits: sentence 1 is circular, sentence 2 is list and row. How can the word "similar" be used!)
3. It repeats sentence 2 in particularly it pointed out it was listed in two columns (or listed by 2 sides), definitely not in a circle!
4. Staying there (having attained such an achievement) would be happy.

So exactly what do these scripts mean? How could it link to Emperor Zhu? 朝中嶽 - Zhu's capital was in NanJing, not the Middle Mountain in HeNan!  HKSAR has no emperor, only the North Chairman is the emperor. 

We are talking about a tough job that the previous 3 chiefs have been badly damaged during their tenure. That position is to serve and to sacrifice, not self-contented nor to be admired! 

Event 2:
On 29/01/2017, the Chinese traditional day of wishing good fortune from heaven that people go to Shatin Che Kung 車公Temple for fortune telling. It was the traditional day the rural community chairman who represented the Hong Kong people to draw a lucky stick. He got the #61, said to be a good one.

The scripts「傳來信息果無差,轉運時來自興家;篤志雲程須着力,何天今日賜榮華。」  On its back, it was (籤背後的偈語)「月會花名秋夏好」。

As far as I can see, the 3rd and the 4th sentences should be reversed, i.e. 何天今日賜榮華? 篤志雲程須着力。
Therefore the scripts and my interpretation:
傳來信息果無差 - known, pre-determined
轉運時來自興家 - turn to good fortune and prospecting t
he family
何天今日賜榮華 - why the heaven commends the honour today?
篤志雲程須着力 - determine to take the high post with undaunting efforts

月會 - mid Autumn festival; for scholars, it is the Autumn exam 秋試
花名 - 華名 name on golden list 中榜
月會花名秋 - - it is not “Autumn”, rather it is "the success in imperial exam."

There is no hint that Lam Cheng will be the winner though her name has the word 月。
It seems to me, either the winner is related to Summer or the situation will become good in Summer. We have the candidates: 曾俊華、林鄭月娥、胡國興、葉劉淑儀、 曾鈺成。

If the lucky stick really reveals heaven secrecy, 林鄭月娥、曾鈺成 were born in HK Summer (May to July), 葉劉淑儀 was in Autumn . The other two were born in Winter.

It is ironic so many in our advanced society believe in fortune tellers of the street.







初遇城站,獲睹芳姿,娟秀溫雅,令人堪慕;且似與余曾相識者! 初余之注意女士,而女士或未之覺也;車至筧橋,匆促而別,然未識誰家閨秀,如是風姿,意不復見,耿耿此心,望斷雙眸,而盈盈倚影,直據余之腦蒂,揮之不能去。 ……月餘以來,不復得見女士之影跡,佇探為勞,積勞積思,望穿雙眸。


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....