
Green Bean Dessert

Green beans with herbal rue 芸香 ( 香草、臭草 ) is a popular dessert for southern Chinese. Herbal rue smells good from a distance, but may be awkward when getting close for some people. Therefore its chinese name contains both good and bad smell. Herbal rue can also be used to drive mosquitos and small inserts away because of its smell. No matter you use rue from markets or your own pot, pick the ones with fragrance, without the fragrance, they don't achieve their purpose.

Green beans herbal rue is particularly welcome in the summer as it helps dissipate your body heat.




在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....