







每月提取4060元的香港長者, 應該為偉大祖國和管治香港領導歡呼。 感謝國家為香港人謀幸福, 實現無產階級革命跨進新一步。 香港由亂而治, 由治入興。 那些不肯悔改的都遠去這都市。 樓價物價各方面沒他們邪惡支撐, 雖然還未至白菜價, 都慢慢回順。

小老頭數十元已經可以買得到一條活生生的老虎斑。 那每月4060元幾可與富人亨受同級。 感恩。 期待下一輪超英趕美, 偉大躍進。



難記興亡事 花月總留痕

五十年代彌敦道上的兩大茶樓: 龍鳳、瓊華。

晚生家景貧寒,難為當年座上客。不過亦曾目睹昔日璀璨霓虹燈飾, 奪目招牌, 猶以瓊華中秋月餅招牌為最。

* 圖片取材自「啡伯頻道」。



看今日中國人的德行和知識, 揚威國際「漂亮的中國人」,是神性不可侵犯 (侵犯人另算)。 中國人懂法律,懂自己的權利,不容許受歧視 (歧視他人:稱人家是黑鬼、紅番 不算) 不再是百多年前的吳下阿蒙, 不再受人欺負 (欺負人另算) 柏楊的後人應該為當年「醜陋的中國人」道歉, 或者把他從墳墓裏掘出來鞭屍。 昭告天下, 洗脫或者反印證中國人醜陋的形象。


[英鋼琴家倫敦車站直播演奏 遭華人斥侵犯肖像權報警]







這等文字水平,昔日是出不了街的。 廣告很在乎人家看了之後的感覺。 其實可以說正宗水蟹粥, 特式水蟹粥, 道地水蟹粥。 避免用「地道水」, 因為和「溝渠水」沒有分別。



香港政府最近不斷對垃圾徵收費加大宣傳。 眾所週知, 香港政府對於垃圾徵收費, 擾攘多年。 稍為有國際經驗的都知道, 這種垃圾徵收費在歐美澳紐80年代已經實行, 不是什麼回事。 何以香港政府擾讓了20多年, 花了不少公帑、人力、物力, 做了不少研究報告?是不是香港政府很重視環境污染垃圾事項?是不是大家心中心裏有數。 或許這個政府除了搞垃圾之外, 什麼都不是。 又或許這個政府本身就是垃圾, 除了垃圾之外, 什麼事也沒信心做。 又或許香港政府認為香港社會沒有什麼可以做, 因為乏善可陳, 所以只能做垃圾。



我很忙, 一般不會浪費時間我今天騎車回家已經是下午四時半, 打算沐浴(洗頭沖凉), 之後重溫一下一週金融概況但一坐在電腦旁邊, 到現在十時了, 我還未離去估計今天我應該沒有時間看金融

說起投資, 我每天損益(上落)都以萬、千計, 一般千元以內, 對我來說不會算是輸贏

我不算是賭仔, 我不姓「賴」, 我也不花霍我的衣著極其簡單, 而且我極之惜物觀念是「新不如舊」我極少貪新棄舊

如圖中所見, 我有兩條舊皮帶其中一條, 是我年輕時在英國穿的, 至今已皮開帶裂,我穿短褲時仍用它

, 我會把那破皮帶的扣更換到另一皮帶上, 延續它與我的關係。 

我那休閒長褲已經縫補好, 前後共縫補了五處那短褲其實是一條長褲, 我把破的剪去變成騎車短褲

西方有這樣的說話: you can't judge a person by their clothes / look


My 2nd trip to Bangkok in two months. For a small amount of money, you can be treated as king in Bangkok. I think the Hong Kong government should review why its competitiveness has declined so drastically. Hong Kong middle class do not stay in Hong Kong to consume. Why don’t they love Hong Kong? Are they really colluding with foreign forces? It is understood that boasting, official talks, citing passed results will not save Hong Kong from losing nowadays.


這是我兩個月內第二次去曼谷。此情此境, 某以為香港政府應該檢討一下何以自己競爭力有如江河日下, 消費得起的港人不留港消費。 是他們不愛港/國,抑或是他們勾結了外國勢力?港府是不是單憑吹噓、官腔和往績就可以免於失败。怪不得有語云 肉食者鄙。

For a dinner buffet at HK$280, you can eat all sorts of delicious Plus any of the 8 orderable main courses from the menu.

Demons behind you

For those that like leisure walks in HK country sides with nearby waters (rivers and reservoirs) during day time between March and May may have found that they are attracted by some tiny little black flying/jumping bugs. They are so tiny that you won't be aware of their existence until they bite. As you open your eyes, you will see plenty of them flying towards you, the situation could be scary.

I bike all year round. Along Tin Shui Path/Avenue on the river side where abundant vegetation found, they fly in swarm or sparsely without patterns. They are particularly active between March and April when the adult females hunt for extra nutrients for their eggs. They can cause nuisances as their bite hurts.
As they have not caused big troubles to human that they have never been publicly addressed. As such you won't be able to find any news on them easily. I spent an entire afternoon on the web searching for it this afternoon. Through various overseas/local media, I finally found an article about them on the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, but no one single picture about this biting insert is shown. The Department classifies it as “Biting Midges"
I had taken a short video on this biting midges when Covid-19 struck in Spring 2020 when I stayed home. I deleted it after a while as I should not foreseem I would write something on them.
I believe covid-19 had made some changes on our ecological environment. I could be wrong but I think it has. Biting Midges (HK) used to active between March and May. They were absent in 2023. They have come back early this time, starting in Dec 2023 and you can see them around now.
Though not everything, something has changed; and things are kept changing. Be aware, your health, job, pocket, relationship and so on. Do keep an open eye/mind to meet the new challenges while not being sunken by the great wheel of time.



今天是把工作卸下後的第一天, 和平時不一樣,因為很累自然睡,睡足九個小時。

想好了禁食幾天, 把積聚來的辛勞、脂肪、毒素排出來, 但還是在禁食之前, 待自己好一點。 畢竟

「衣食累我千百遍  我視衣食如初戀

所以用了一個小時精雕細啄,慢慢的弄個南瓜湯、荷包蛋。我從不喜歡太陽蛋,我只是喜歡兒時母親給我弄的荷包蛋, 蛋黃近乎全熟,但蛋白不留褐色。南瓜湯最是費時, 要攝取蒜香油而不焦, 取南瓜肉而不削皮,再加點海鹽和忌廉。



我住天水圍區 。   天水圍二手未補地價居屋可以賣到近萬蚊一呎當然係大新聞啦 。   屏欣苑大約係喺 2012年入夥 。   條片話原業主喺 2018年用195萬買入 。   以今時今日香港市道 ,   能夠賣得翻 2018年嘅價 ,   已經係非常僥倖 ,   更遑論可以升值八...