
British Comedies

It was the old days, also my young days.

I arrived England in the late 70s, still able to watch the old days comedies. the 70s was the brilliant decade of British Comedies. At that moments, it were "Benny Hill Show" and "Not the nine o'clock news". Benny Hill Show ran from 1955 till 1989, containing slapstick, short themes and sexy girls (so called “Hill’s Angles”). Hill was everybody's name in England, dubbed as "the dirty old man" for Chinese in particular. I don't know whether or not he named his show as "Benny Hill" was to leverage the fame of English erotic novel "Fanny Hill" or just “Funny from Hill”.


Below are the popular ones I know in the 70s.

. Benny Hill show - a longevity comedy program with slapstick, songs, dances and girls, running from 1955 to 1989, particularly popular in the early days.

. The Two Ronnies - from 1971 to 1987. (Michael & Sam Hui Brothers' 香港許氏兄弟的雙星報喜 was inspired by the Two Ronnies)

. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em - from 1973 to 1978 - Michael Crawford, an acclaimed comedian and musical artist - I saw his play "The Phantom of the Opera" in 1989 Auckland, NZ.

. Not the nine o'clock news - from 1979 to 1982. in the form of news satirising the UK issues.  It was the first public appearance of Rowan Atkinson, later well known as Mr Bean. Formal BBC news was at 10:00pm.


“Benny Hill Show” and “Not the nine o'clock news” were broadcast in HK's Rediffusion Television Channel 麗的電視台 in the 80s. Not the nine o'clock news was not popular in HK because its contents were about the UK news.


Clansmen gatherings

 1. Out HK brothers and sisters clansmen of Qing Yuan 清遠

2. Jimmy and I meeting Eddie of Shun De 順德新會古井. Eddie is from the line of Xue Li 薛禮(字仁貴). We have the common ancestor 1700 years ago.


Leisure companions

It's old friend gathering. We have known each other since February 2010. Mr Poon on the left is our big brother. We, the 3 sitting in the middle, are same age. At our age, we talked about children and our health, sharing what have been happening to our health. It was nice to see we are all in good health. In less than 3 years, three of us will celebrate our 70. Thank God, We grew up in the prosperity years of Hong Kong and fortunately have got into a wealthy society that cares for elderly. What's more could you expect?


Sam Lam and I

 It 's my honor to have afternoon tea with Mr. Sam Lam at Yuen Long. Mr Lam was my employer between 2005 and 2011. Most of my BEA ex-colleagues know Mr. Lam as quite some of us were under his banner/umbrella then.

Mr. Lam and I both worked for the MSD of Swire Group in the early years of our careers, though not the same years. We can still remember some mutual friends/workmates even now.

It was a pleasant gathering as we spent almost 4 hours talking about the old days and old stories.


Home Setting up After Bangkok

Returned from Bangkok and now back to normal life after having

1. yoga mat in place,
2. Windows, MacOS, Linux all up,
3. Multimedia players in sitting room,
4. Small folding bike as well as big ones as getting to age.

All PCs are UP with latest OS

Most people use Microsoft windows for their PC operating system. I do use windows on most of my PCs. As I am a retiree, I do have time to try different OS on different machines. I have a MacBook Pro on Sonoma (the latest Apple Macbook OS). My oldest notebook was a NEC notebook on Windows7. However as the machine was old (Intel i7 u620, 1st generation mobile i7) and its configure is outdated for windows. It hardly supported more than 2 applications (2 browsers or 2 browser tabs) concurrently and the CPU temperature was high. Therefore I use Linux on this NEC notebook. It does not have HDMI output that I need to use vga to hdmi converter to connect to a larger screen.

As I have been using Windows many years, therefore I am familiar with it. I have found it good and lots of applications available. I use Apple PC in the early 80s. As that moments, people praised Apple graphic PC Macintosh a lot. Even nowadays, Apple advocates also claim Apple notebooks are good, and you can see on Youtube that lots of tech videos are made on Apple. However, nowadays, in terms of user friendliness and easy of use, I prefer Windows to Apple. To me, installing application software on Apple is hard/killing, it is definitely not user friendly. Perhaps you could try installing “Google Chrome” or Firefox browser on Mac, you would experience the hardship.
Linux is surprisingly good especially for older types of machines. Both installation and running are easy. I have tried “elementary OS” - a MacOS look Linux and OpenSuse - a windows like Linux for developers/power users, both can be installed easily and their performances are good. my old NEC notebook on Linux performs as good as other Windows PC on Win10/11.
If you ask me what is the most running OS nowadays, I would say it is not windows rather it is Linux because android is a kind of Linux.
This blog including picture was made on Linux.
The picture shows 3 PCs are stacked together. Yes, they do because they are connected to external mouse and keyboard (either wired or wireless). I can use any OS (windows, Mac, Linux) I like simply by switching a small USB hub connection.


好多人都想知道西鐵/港鐵洪水橋站會在洪水橋那處 因為很多人對洪水橋發展抱有重大期望 涉及他們的投資大計 以我所知洪水橋站不近洪水橋的住宅區 而近夏村的貨櫃棕地 對港府來說 收回棕地和在現有的鐵路上加蓋新站 最具經濟效益



人老敗, 機器壞, 人到了一定年紀, 身體衰敗是必然的事。 保持健康, 要靠均衡飲食、規律作息、適當運動、醫療藥物等等來維持。 這是對先進福利社會來說的必要, 對貧窮社會來說, 溫飽才是最重要。 在香港社會上, 有些專業人士, 像神般的存在, 不能接受底層賤民的質疑。 政府公立醫院的醫生也可能屬於這一類。 我所說的是對大多數低收入的普通人。 對於富裕家庭或有大公司保險者,就另當別論,因為他們負擔得起。

香港政府醫療機構所有病人的紀錄,都是聯了網的。 他們對病人除了「病」的紀錄之外, 還可能會有其它紀錄!我認識一位朋友, 因為覺得(懷疑)醫生沒有給他正確的藥物, 所以曾經發出質疑與投訴。 之後他無論去到任何政府醫療機構, 都會接受到「特別」的待遇。 似乎醫管局的系統對他有特別的紀錄, 給予醫生或其他相關人士參考, 好使他們對此病人作適當的「關照」。 適當的照顧當然包括態度,處方。 業內人士都會知道,大家心知肚明,我不用多說。 雖然醫管局有明文規定, 重視醫療道德。 年輕的新進醫生畢業剛不久,意氣風發,全世界最叻就係佢哋, 哪裏會受得起賤民階層的質疑。 每當見到這樣的賤民, 必定會給予他們態度,好教認識什麼是權勢和優越。 

隨著推動跨境醫療服務, 這些有紀錄的人士, 他們有「適當照顧」那裡也少不了。


男人接近女人的目的不過是圖兩樣東西 。   要麼圖年輕漂亮 。   要麼圖身子 如果一樣都不佔 人家也不缺一個累贅 同樣女人接近男人也不過是圖兩樣東西 。 一個是精神支柱 。 一個是金錢補助 如果一樣都給不了 那麼他也不缺一個祖宗 。   談情說愛放眼望去全都是合作愉快 愛情這東...