Most people use Microsoft windows for their PC operating system. I do use windows on most of my PCs. As I am a retiree, I do have time to try different OS on different machines. I have a MacBook Pro on Sonoma (the latest Apple Macbook OS). My oldest notebook was a NEC notebook on Windows7. However as the machine was old (Intel i7 u620, 1st generation mobile i7) and its configure is outdated for windows. It hardly supported more than 2 applications (2 browsers or 2 browser tabs) concurrently and the CPU temperature was high. Therefore I use Linux on this NEC notebook. It does not have HDMI output that I need to use vga to hdmi converter to connect to a larger screen.
All PCs are UP with latest OS
As I have been using Windows many years, therefore I am familiar with it. I have found it good and lots of applications available. I use Apple PC in the early 80s. As that moments, people praised Apple graphic PC Macintosh a lot. Even nowadays, Apple advocates also claim Apple notebooks are good, and you can see on Youtube that lots of tech videos are made on Apple. However, nowadays, in terms of user friendliness and easy of use, I prefer Windows to Apple. To me, installing application software on Apple is hard/killing, it is definitely not user friendly. Perhaps you could try installing “Google Chrome” or Firefox browser on Mac, you would experience the hardship.
Linux is surprisingly good especially for older types of machines. Both installation and running are easy. I have tried “elementary OS” - a MacOS look Linux and OpenSuse - a windows like Linux for developers/power users, both can be installed easily and their performances are good. my old NEC notebook on Linux performs as good as other Windows PC on Win10/11.
If you ask me what is the most running OS nowadays, I would say it is not windows rather it is Linux because android is a kind of Linux.
This blog including picture was made on Linux.
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