
Leisure companions

It's old friend gathering. We have known each other since February 2010. Mr Poon on the left is our big brother. We, the 3 sitting in the middle, are same age. At our age, we talked about children and our health, sharing what have been happening to our health. It was nice to see we are all in good health. In less than 3 years, three of us will celebrate our 70. Thank God, We grew up in the prosperity years of Hong Kong and fortunately have got into a wealthy society that cares for elderly. What's more could you expect?




男人接近女人的目的不過是圖兩樣東西 。   要麼圖年輕漂亮 。   要麼圖身子 如果一樣都不佔 人家也不缺一個累贅 同樣女人接近男人也不過是圖兩樣東西 。 一個是精神支柱 。 一個是金錢補助 如果一樣都給不了 那麼他也不缺一個祖宗 。   談情說愛放眼望去全都是合作愉快 愛情這東...