
Port Nicholson Paintings

Drawing for appreciation:

Birdseye view of Port Nicholson, Wellington, New Zealand.
Collection: New Zealand Maritime Museum
Drawn (1839) by Charles Heaphy (1820-1881),
Lithographed (1943) by Thomas Allom (1804-1872).
Birdseye view of Port Nicholson, New Zealand, shewing the site of the town of Wellington, the river and valley of the Hutt and adjacent country, taken from the charts and drawings made during Colonel Wakefield's survey in 1839.
The original drawing was drawn by Charles Heaphy in 1839 and published in London in 1840.
It was enhanced, lithographed by Thomas Allom and published in 1843.
1. Thomas Allom had never been to New Zealand.
His enhancement was made from the geographic/marine data.
(no wonder the UK domination in the 19th century)

2. Also append two Wellington views from today. If you're in Wellington and see the surrounding mountains, you will be astonished and impressed by the accuracy and serious production by the British almost 2 centuries ago.




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