


If you ask me to rate “honesty” between George Washington and Donald Trump, I guess I will choose Trump. Most people have heard about the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. If you really think, you'll realise the story is a make-up, deliberately set to show honesty is valued in the US, while spreading the hidden agenda to every corner of the globe. Most people know what the real U.S. and her society like. 

Regarding Trump, as he always boasts, he represents the real Americans. You can see, in his presidency, he has showed to the world his selfishness, his rudeness, his nonsense, his splitting unity of the UN and nations, and his breaking up the world peace and arouse conflicts among nations (the latest, US admits Jerusalem is Israel’s capital). You can see, he is a real nasty bastard, but he is honest because he did not pretend to be a hypocrite like his predecessors did.


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