
Dean Gifford

I threw away 2 bags of children toys this evening. I keep the kiwi bird and the 2 doggies because they mean something to me.

The doggies were given to my children by Wellington Policy constable Mr. Dean Gifford when my family was in great distress in mid 1999. Dean was a nice young constable serving at Lower Hutt Policy Station at that time. The 2 doggies were not particularly cute. The children ‘s mother asked me to throw them away a few times but I did not. I told myself if one day I went to Wellington, I should thank Dean in person for helping my family. 
The kiwi bird was bought for the children at the airport on the day the family moved back from NZ to HK in Feb 2000. I keep it in the family for our identity.

The children were 3 and 2 when they came to HK. In two months’ time, they will be 20 and 19. There is nothing left in the family because the family has long gone. So was senior policy constable Dean Gifford.  Dean died from a brain tumor in Wellington on 23/08/2012. I was very sad to have known Dean passed away at his prime age.



For those that are as “young” as me may remember Gene Wilder ·懷德 and  Lando Buzzanca 蘭度·布山卡.They were both film comedians. Gene Wilder passed away this year, whereas Lando Buzzanca is still alive and healthy.

I believe Gene’s best movie was “Young Frankenstein 新科學怪人”. I have seen that movie a few times. I almost forgot Lando Buzzanca, however I would never forget his film “my darling slave 夜夜念奴嬌”.

 “My darling slave” was released in Hong Kong in 1973 when I was a secondary school (form 4) student. The impression was particularly deep because we just learned 大江去浪 at school then there was the movie 夜夜念奴嬌, though it had no relationship to 蘇東波 famous poem 念奴嬌. Although the actress was topless in the film, it was a very interesting film in those days. Good news is, this film will be available on YouTube in 4K on 6/01/2017.  Any old boy wishes to recall their old memory may just go see by then.














本文发布于20161025  我的个人facebook


我所說非清操冰雪的意思是: 你邀請他們去日本你估佢地去不去?當然是去!我絕對唔相信佢兩位從未去過日本。


十月二十五日,在電視新聞看到CY梁評論以司法覆核阻止他們當議員宣誓。As I said before they did not have 擔當。 If they did and considered the big picture they would have apologised and lessened the damage to themselves and their party The following is extracted from one of my blogs in 2011在民選的政治人物立場,他們對這些事態也非常克制,因為處理不好,非但得不到活動的目的,更甚者失去民眾的支持和日後的選票。個人榮辱事小,不利自已的政黨和失卻支持,便無從組織政府及施展政治抱負。所以不得不克制,越高層次的就更深諳此道。 


曹白 Chinese Herrings

曹白(Cao Bai or Chinese Herrings) is a type of white silver scale herring; marine, found inshore, semi-enclosed sea areas and fresh water; able to tolerate lowered salinities.

曹白鹹魚 (Cao Bai Salt Fish) - was originally produced in Hong Kong. As the local catches have become rare, now mostly imported from Bangladesh.

There are two popular species for Chinese salt fish production.

1. Ilisha elongata (or Ilisha),
available in East Asia coast from Soviet's Peter Great Bay to Bay of Bengal and Java Sea.

2. Dussumieria acuta,
available in Indo-Pacific from Persian Gulf, India and Malaysia to Indonesia and the Philippines.

The one pictured here is a fresh water Cao Bai from Yuen Long River of Hong Kong, priced at HK$600 per catty ~ 604 grams, those that are from Bangladesh usually priced at HK$480 per catty.

Gourmets prefer the Hong Kong local catches though it is dearer. The common way is to fry in low temperature until golden brown, and then add sugar and brown vinegar to suit individual taste. Gourmets always love Cao Bai. Once tasted, you would have no regrets in life.


Smart TVs

Large Screen TVs are getting thinner and cheaper. Last week I visited my friend's home in ZhongShan, China PRC. He has a large basement floor for entertainment for a 120" HD projector and HI-FI equipment. He will have a 65" smart TV on the ground floor.
My 50" smart TV looks small compared to my friend's. I bought my new 50" TV 2 weeks ago and I have not fully tested it yet. At of present, the Android system on smart TV seems to have some limitations comparing to Desktop systems. There are 2 important ones that I guess most people may not be aware before they do their purchases.
1. For China brand smart TVs such as skyworth and Hisense etc., they have disabled the google play app. You can install it on your smart TV but it will not function. You need to use the China make apps instead of google's.
2. The browsers designed for Android are all mobile based. Their browser screen display resolution is less than 800 * 600. If you want to make use of your 2K+ resolution for 1920 * 1080 (i.e. see more contents of the web page), you may be disappointed! That means even you have a large screen, you are limited to the display of a phone screen because Android was designed for phone so as its browsers.

To overcome problem 1, you can buy a non-China make one such as Jap or US.
To overcome problem 2, you can use a PC/notebook connected to your large TV with HDMI cable. If your PC/notebook does not have an HDMI outlet, you can add a VGA/HMDI converter. 
I tried it out with my notebooks. My TV has 2 connections: 1 with a Toshiba (black) notebook with HMDI. Another 1 (silver)has a VGA outlet connected with a VGA/HDMI converter. Both work fine on the large TV with good browser contents. So don't throw your old notebook away. For additional comfort, you can add wireless mouse and keyboard and sit back. I do that so that I don't need to wear glasses on small screen even though I have presbyopia. (my sitting room is messy as I am cleaning up my stuff).







我不得不改變策略,利用寫下的紀錄來碰運,我買點數奇準,整晚中了不下十次,包括大小全吃的‘0’號,一賠三十五。我買 '0’號 是全抬只是我的一個單註,已沒有其他客人,就是一注中的。幾位荷官都問我是不是真的有方法計出結果,我說沒有,只不過我不計算便不懂下注。我單是玩十連勝一開始便輸了二千多元,全靠買點數羸回來。我每次下一至兩個籌碼,所以要計—輪才能下注。到後期我已賺回籌碼,最高勝六仟多元。有了本錢,氣勢就好多了,從新再下十連勝,以我先前七八個小時的記錄為藍本作機械式下注,每次勝出疊加,只重次數,不理枱上註碼,效率奇高,只不過仍未能十連勝,但創有連續七連勝。 (當勝出第四連勝時,荷官便不接受超過壹千五百元的注碼)。我後來檢討過,如果不是因自己買點數和買大小有抵觸,當晚是有機會十連勝的。



What you need to know about late check-in in China domestic airports

What you need to know about check-in in most China domestic airports when you are late.

If you are late for your flight, most airlines will help you do check-in as quickly as possible. However, this is not the case for China airlines, in particular the notorious China Southern Airlines (they can trick you because you are in the land that they play the “China Characteristic” services under their sovereignty).

Supposed you are late for just a couple of minutes, says, 40 minutes before your flight departure (45 minutes is their norm). You go to the check-in counter asking for check-in even though you don’t have baggage with you and you would not cause any delay to the flight.  The check-in staff will not issue any boarding pass to you. They will write down your details on a piece of paper and tell you take the paper to a particular counter for assistance. This is the trick -  they pose an expectation to the passenger that someone would help her/him get on board so the passenger would not stay in the check-in counter demanding boarding pass issued. When the passenger gets to that counter, she/he needs to queue up for services. This would use up quite a bit of their time. When it gets to their turn, she/he would not be served for the boarding, but would be offered their expensive “airport price” ticket for the next available flight.  In such a way, they eliminate your chance to get on board because they further delay your boarding time and also invalidate your original ticket. 

Good luck to those travel on China airlines.



假設您只遲到了幾分鐘,例如航班起飛前 40 分鐘(45 分鐘是他們的標準)。即使您沒有攜帶行李,理应不會延誤航班。 櫃檯職員不會給您發出登機證。他們會為您寫一張小紙,並告訴您將紙帶到特定櫃檯尋求協助。這就是技巧 - 他們製造錯覺令乘客以為職員安排其他人幫助她/他登機,這樣乘客就不會留在簽到櫃檯要求登機證。當乘客到達某特定櫃檯時,她/他需要排隊等候服務,這會佔用他們相當多的時間。當輪到他們時,櫃檯職員不是發出登機證,而是告訴他們可用「機場價格」購買下一班昂貴的即時機票。通過這種方式,他們延礙了您登機的機會,因為他們進一步延遲了您取得登機,使您原來的機票失效。如果你是極度趕的話,那他們便順利高價賣出一張剩餘機票 - 可能有助他們取得提成






其實一直以來,關鍵都是以低團費作招徠,這點無可厚非。但以關鍵的品牌和廣大客戶羣及客戶的忠誠度,它不用走這路線。為了以低團費吸引客人,旅程接待單位質素相對下降,使不少希望有質素的客戶摒棄。關鍵為增加收入,強制團員購買它的旅遊保險。那就是説即使個別團員已買了其它的旅行 保險也還是必需再與關鍵購買。購買保險原不過是為一個“萬一”,誰也不想在高高興興的旅遊期間發生意外。假若意外不幸發生,兩份保險也只能有一份的賠償。那為何已有還要為你關鍵再買一個?這明是赤裸裸的掠奪,要客戶單純的付出。我多次和他們表示過希望他們考慮增加團費,如能保證質量,忠誠的客戶會願意接受,勝過左道旁門。當然這些建議不被接納。關鍵這種左道像有傳染性的,香港大小旅行社紛紛仿效,影響香港旅行社的口碑和商譽致巨。

我常出外旅遊,說到航空公司服務低劣,首推國內航空公司,特別是南航。比方客人因事晚點,它們不單不幫忙客人盡快辦登機手續,它們還故意拖延,做出各種偽善和假服務,視客人為被它們屠宰的傻佬。舉一個簡單的例子,當乘客遲了數分鐘辦登機手續, 即使那乘客沒攜行李,絕對不會延誤航班。他們首先就振振有詞的説客人誤點,不替客人辦登機證。然後用字條寫下乘客的資料,叫乘客拿字條往某一個櫃檯找幫忙。就這樣,辦登機部門便完成了不替乘客辦理登機的暗指令。當客人往到那個櫃檯找幫忙時,希望能登上原本班機。但往往需要輪候一段時間,當輪候到時,那櫃檯職員不會替客人辦登機,而是向客人銷售昂貴的其它班次機場票。客人到此才知給航空公司耍弄,已經再沒有時間和登機部門理論。就這樣,航空公司廢了客人的票,要客人從新購買昂貴的機場票。即使客人不願意購買,航空公司也不會虧一分一毛。相反,國內航空公司晚點或誤點,它們會為它們的問題向客人賠償嗎?應該從未聽過吧。上例只是它們眾多“服務”的冰山一角,其它不勝枚舉。所以,非不得爾時,我是絕對不會乘國內航空公司,特別是南航。



What A Shit!

For most people experienced in basic computer system building knowing that the most common functions for a system are to capture data, amend data, and delete data. Agree?

However, did you know there is a great organization, the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, their systems do not function this way. What they have is only data capture function, but short of amendment and deletion, not to mention the luxury of “insertion”.

What the F!! is this organisation?
It is HK Jockey Club’s mark six system.

Supposed you want to buy your lucky bet multiple times, say for 30 rounds (about 10 weeks as normally 3 runs a week), you then go to their system to enter your lucky numbers. So their wonderful system captures your bet happily and things also go happily especially you did not win. However in the middle of your rounds, say round 10, you notice the captured numbers were not the ones you wanted (either you entered the numbers wrongly or the system captured the numbers wrongly – just do not rule out any possibility!) So you call up HKJC customer services and ask for an update. What you will get:

1. No! Our system does not allow update or delete. If you ask why, they will answer just “no” again.

2. If you ask for remedy, they will tell you to buy your bet again. [If you don’t have more money, congratulations and good for you, this saves you from indulging in gambling, but don’t cry if it turns out your desired numbers subsequently!]

3. If you think it is not fair and ask why not allowing update or delete, all casinos do as long as the subsequent rounds have not been started. They will say if amendment is allowed, it is violated the principle of multiple times because multiple times mean you want the numbers to run thru the multiple times. Oops! You can see the nice use of PRINCIPLE to cover up their inflexibility of their system.

There are more non-senses …..

Many users find their user interface (UI) extremely unfriendly. For example, they have a function called “drawn number checking 核對中獎號碼”. I would expect this were to give you the prize amount when you enter your numbers (as it is obvious that a lot of people would have checked whether or not they win). But interestingly, it is to show you the match results in the past 60 days. See the diagram below

I just wonder how many people have the intelligence to understand the function and how many will use it.

Anyway, it is a monopoly. Even they give you shit you will still bet.


在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....