I threw away 2 bags of children toys this evening. I keep the kiwi bird and the 2 doggies because they mean something to me.
For those that are as “young” as me may remember Gene Wilder 真·懷德 and Lando Buzzanca 蘭度·布山卡.They were both film comedians. Gene Wilder passed away this year, whereas Lando Buzzanca is still alive and healthy.
I believe Gene’s best movie was “Young Frankenstein 新科學怪人”. I have seen that movie a few times. I almost forgot Lando Buzzanca, however I would never forget his film “my darling slave 夜夜念奴嬌”.
“My darling slave” was released in Hong Kong in 1973 when I was a secondary school (form 4) student. The impression was particularly deep because we just learned 大江東去浪 at school ,then there was the movie 夜夜念奴嬌, though it had no relationship to 蘇東波 famous poem 念奴嬌. Although the actress was topless in the film, it was a very interesting film in those days. Good news is, this film will be available on YouTube in 4K on 6/01/2017. Any old boy wishes to recall their old memory may just go see by then.
假設您只遲到了幾分鐘,例如航班起飛前 40 分鐘(45 分鐘是他們的標準)。即使您沒有攜帶行李,理应不會延誤航班。 但櫃檯職員不會給您發出登機證。他們會為您寫一張小紙,並告訴您將紙帶到特定櫃檯尋求協助。這就是技巧 - 他們製造錯覺令乘客以為職員安排其他人幫助她/他登機,這樣乘客就不會留在簽到櫃檯要求登機證。當乘客到達某特定櫃檯時,她/他需要排隊等候服務,這會佔用他們相當多的時間。當輪到他們時,櫃檯職員不是發出登機證,而是告訴他們可用「機場價格」購買下一班昂貴的即時機票。通過這種方式,他們延礙了您登機的機會,因為他們進一步延遲了您取得登機證,使您原來的機票失效。如果你是極度趕的話,那他們便順利以高價賣出一張剩餘機票 - 可能有助他們取得提成。
在經濟學上有所謂「劣幣驅逐良幣」. 職場上亦有所謂「劣人逐良人」. 在快餐店上亦常見「劣客逐良客」. 這裏所說的良劣, 不是品格上的優劣, 而是對商店的營運收入而言. 所指的就是消費客人和沒有消費的客人. 附圖顯示大部分的客人都是佔據座位而沒有消費. 真正消費的客人反而沒有座位....