The Hong Kong University main building. It was erected in 1912 for the people of HK. Nowadays the University is opened for people all over the world. However, as seen today, there are probably more students from mainland China than the locals. Not surprising, this agrees with China policy that Hong Kong is a China city. You can see most of the faculty members are also from China.
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Palace Museum Qianlong Buddhist sculptures
Exhibition items in HK Palace Museum from China Beijing Palace Museum. Made in emperor Qianlong reign, 1758-1778, by Imperial Workshops for ...
今天, 2009年05月09日, 原定乘搭深航早上8:40的班机往沈阳。抵机场时离航班起飞只有廿分。工作人员不让我进,所以我只得回家往。 我没有失落,此行也只是两天,今天往,明天返。原本是为往见一位网友,大不了是多逛一下故宫。可惜是再没有与那位网友联系,由此失去了去的动力。可能是...
曹白 (Cao Bai or Chinese Herrings) is a type of white silver scale herring; marine, found inshore, semi-enclosed sea areas and fresh water;...
我不是戲行中人,也沒有看過多少齣戲,我基本上不懂看五線譜,分辨不到音調。粵曲裡的五音六律,我從未接觸過,對曲目詞牌也認識不多。我對戲曲的認識也只限於曲辭,旋律和故事。年少時聽的是港人熟識的'帝女花' 和'鳳閣恩仇未了情'。我對粵曲的愛好源自對曲...