
Sinners for Thousand years

Chris Pattern cries because his title's been overwhelmingly deprived by the woman.

What are her achievements?
Too many to mention …., just two bits concerning everybody in the wonderland.
1. My 講
2. Her government is so impotent that attracts international financial predators to attack the wonderland's financial market, making everybody lost. This has not ended, will see …




時隔 3 年, 也不妨為當年的一篇留下駐腳, 不使真事情流於湮沒。   1. 「肥媽」 face mask 的中譯 2 .潑皮   中國古代爛仔的稱謂, 今日國內稱為混混 3 .唐老僧  Donald Tseng  中譯 4 .那拉    晚清皇朝女性最高權力者...