
Egg Tomato dish

I did egg tomato (with beef) dish for dinner. Taste great and I liked it though just an ordinary look. Egg tomato is a popular dish for Chinese and most households do that often as can be seen in YouTube that many videos are on it. I have watched a few, most of them are just Meme. As far as I can remember, most women in my village could make very good Egg tomato dish + fried scrambled eggs. I've cooked for many years, but I cannot do Egg tomato and fried scrambled eggs as good as my Mum did.

BTW, I added beef because the beef was the defrost left behind last night, therefore had to use it up. I do not buy local beef as they are tasteless. If you fry beef, remember to add garlics to remove its smelly taste especially for low grade imports. I use both garlics and gingers because I do not use spring unions. The reason - spring unions have lost their fragrance and cost a lot more than the tasteful garlics and gingers.




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