

For those that are as “young” as me may remember Gene Wilder · and  Lando Buzzanca 蘭度·布山卡They were both film comedians. Gene Wilder passed away this year, whereas Lando Buzzanca is still alive and healthy.

I believe Gene’s best movie was “Young Frankenstein 新科學怪人”. I have seen that movie a few times. I almost forgot Lando Buzzanca, however I would never forget his film “my darling slave 夜夜念奴”.

“My darling slave” was released in Hong Kong in 1973 when I was a secondary school (form 4) student. The impression was particularly deep because at school we just learnt 大江东去浪,then there was the movie 夜夜念奴, though it had no relationship to SuDongBo’s famous poem 念奴. Although the actress was topless in the film, it was a very interesting film in those days. Good news is, this film will be available on YouTube in 4K on 6/01/2017.  Any old boy wishes to recall their old memory may just go see by then.




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