
tea set at mall

Seems people really don't care about whether fried chickens are "hot chi" or not, as long as the price is good.
It is a hot day today. Even the old ladies like gathering in a fast food cafe rather than staying home. People enjoy having tea, sharing gossips in an aircon mall/complex.

Since the outbreak of covid-19, a lot of things have become expensive. Happy to see some fast food chain restaurants maintain their food quality while keeping the old price.





今日原本寫了一篇關於世人求財及泰國招財神佛方面短篇, 其中有涉及近年的泰國新寵。 原本已經編輯好圖文, 打算發表。 在發表之前, 有些隱憂, 因為「子不語怪力亂行」。 心下有保留, 究竟應唔應該發表, 因為怕有妖邪從中作祟。 正所謂禍福無門, 為人自招。 正當把一切放進 face...