
Bangkok Hilton

"Bangkok Hilton" wasn't a rosy romantic story in Bangkok. It was a mini TV series played by Nicole Kidman concerning a life escape story in the late 80s.

Gone with the day also is our passion of pinball machines which were once our most love

d entertainmenton our campus. The last time I saw a wooden tile pinball machine was in Oxford around 1984 before my first time travelled to NZ. Saw a new type In Thailand this time.




今日原本寫了一篇關於世人求財及泰國招財神佛方面短篇, 其中有涉及近年的泰國新寵。 原本已經編輯好圖文, 打算發表。 在發表之前, 有些隱憂, 因為「子不語怪力亂行」。 心下有保留, 究竟應唔應該發表, 因為怕有妖邪從中作祟。 正所謂禍福無門, 為人自招。 正當把一切放進 face...