

A visit to She Kou (蛇口) food market.

Not much changes since my last visit 6 years ago. The same shops: seafood, dry herbal goods, vegie and meats stalls, are all there. Seems to me "She Kou" is less affected by covid-19 and economic downturn.
Pictures below:
The spectacular views of a long due unfinished building (爛尾樓).
Food market video

The spectacular views of a long due unfinished building (爛尾樓) - Front

Side view of a long due unfinished building

Back view of a long due unfinished building

back street behind the food market (right to left) Winery dry herbal store poultry

                                        seafood stalls inside the food market(video)




時隔 3 年, 也不妨為當年的一篇留下駐腳, 不使真事情流於湮沒。   1. 「肥媽」 face mask 的中譯 2 .潑皮   中國古代爛仔的稱謂, 今日國內稱為混混 3 .唐老僧  Donald Tseng  中譯 4 .那拉    晚清皇朝女性最高權力者...